Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man kextlibs

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man kextlibs

KEXTLIBS(8) BSD System Manager's Manual KEXTLIBS(8)


kkeexxttlliibbss - find OSBundleLibraries needed by a kext


kkeexxttlliibbss [options] kextbundle


The kkeexxttlliibbss utility searches for library kexts that define symbols needed for linking by kextbundle, printing their bundle identifiers and versions. If any symbols are not found, or are found in multiple libraries, they are printed to standard error after the library kext informtion.

Run kkeexxttlliibbss with the -xxmmll flag to get an XML fragment suitable for copy-

ing and pasting directly into an Info.plist file. If no repository directories are explicitly specified, kkeexxttlliibbss searches the system extensions folder. OOPPTTIIOONNSS


-hheellpp Display a help message and exit.


Print all symbols that remain unresolved or that are found in more than one library kext. Normally only the number of missing and duplicate symbols is printed.



Print the compatible rather than the current version.


Search the compatibility kernel extension,, rather than any of the* system kexts. Use of this option is not recommended: The exact kernel component (mach, bsd,

libkern, or iokit) cannot be determined, and the compatible ver-

sion of is locked to the current version.

-rr directory

-rreeppoossiittoorryy directory

Specifies a directory to search for dependencies. You can use this to get library declarations for a set of extensions other than those of the running system, or to include a side directory of library kexts. Note: If you specify a directory with this option, the system extensions folder is not implicitly searched.



Adds the system extensions folder to the list of directories to search. If you don't specify any directories or kexts, this is used by default.

-xxmmll Print an XML fragment suitable for copying and pasting directly

into an Info.plist file.

-- End of options.


The kkeexxttlliibbss utility exits with a status of 0 on completion if all unde-

fined symbols are found exactly once; with a status of 1 if any undefined symbols remain, or with a status of 2 if any symbols are found in more than one library kext (whether or not any undefined symbols remain), and with another nonzero status on some other problem.


kextcache(8), kextload(8) Darwin April 11, 2006 Darwin

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