Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man kdestroy

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man kdestroy



kdestroy - destroy Kerberos tickets


kkddeessttrrooyy [-qq] [-aa | -AA | -cc cachename | -pp principalname]


The kdestroy utility destroys the user's active Kerberos authentication

tickets by writing zeros to the specified credentials cache that con-

tains them. If the credentials cache is not specified, the default

credentials cache is destroyed. kdestroy will destroy both Kerberos 4

and Kerberos 5 tickets if they are present. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-qq Run quietly. Normally kkddeessttrrooyy prints an error if it fails to

destroy the user's tickets. The -qq flag suppresses this behav-


-aa Destroy all credentials caches (same as -AA). This option cannot

be combined with -cc or -pp.

-AA Destroy all credentials caches (same as -aa). This option cannot

be combined with -cc or -pp.

-cc cachename

Use cachename as the credentials (ticket) cache name and loca-

tion. This option cannot be combined with -aa, -AA or -pp.

The default credentials cache may vary between systems.

-pp principalname

Destroy all credentials caches which contain tickets for princi-

palname. principalname should be in the Kerberos 5 principal

format. This option cannot be combined with -aa, -AA or -cc.

Most Kerberos installations recommend that you place the kdestroy -A

command in your .logout file, so that your tickets are destroyed auto-

matically when you log out.


kinit(1), klist(1), kpasswd(1), kswitch(1) KDESTROY(1)

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