jjaavvaawwss - Java Web Start launcher command
jjaavvaawwss [ options ] [ URL ] PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSSooppttiioonnss Command-line options. Options many be in any order. For
a discussion of the various options, see OPTIONS below.
UURRLL Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) file.DESCRIPTION
The jjaavvaawwss command launches Java Web Start, which is the reference implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP). Java Web Start launches java application/applets hosted on a network.Without any options jjaavvaawwss will launch the Java JNLP Application Man-
ager, from which users can launch applications/applet or configure Java Web Start. If a URL for a JNLP file is specified, jjaavvaawwss will launch the Java application/applet specified in the JNLP file. OOPPTTIIOONNSSThe jjaavvaawwss launcher has a set of options that are supported in the cur-
rent release. However, the options may be removed in a future release.All -XX options are non-standard and subject to change.
Runs Java Web Start in offline mode.-uunniinnssttaallll URL
Removes a specific application/applet from the user's cache, as indicated by the URL for the JJNNLLPP file. Java Web Start will exit after the command has completed.-uuppddaatteeVVeerrssiioonnss
Updates the Java Web Start configuration file based on the cur-
rent machine's settings. Java Web Start will exit when the com-
mand is completed.-XXcclleeaarrccaacchhee
Clears the user's cache. Java Web Start will exit after the command has completed.-XXnnoossppllaasshh
Disables the display of the initial splash screen.-iimmppoorrtt
Imports the application specified by the URL into the user's cache but does not run it..-ssiilleenntt
When used with the -import option, imports in silent mode; i.e.,
there will be no UI pop up. The process exit code will be either 0 if successful or 1 if not.-ccooddeebbaassee URL
Replaces the codebase with URL in the jnlp file specified when importing the resources. URL must be a valid URL.-ssyysstteemm
Uses the system cache instead of the user cache.-sshhoorrttccuutt
Allows the creation of shortcuts during silent import.-aassssoocciiaattiioonn
Allows the creation of associations during silent import.-ooppeenn arguments
If specified, replaces the arguments in the jnlp file with -open
arguments.-pprriinntt arguments
If specified, replaces the arguments in the jnlp file with-print arguments.
Runs in online mode (default behavior).-vviieewweerr
Runs the Java Application Cache Viewer (default if no URL is specified).-uusseerrCCoonnffiigg property-name
Clears the specified deployment property.-uusseerrCCoonnffiigg property-name property-value
Sets the specified deployment property to the specified value.-wwaaiitt If specified, the javaws process will not exit until the appli-
cation exits. FILESFor more information about the user and system cache and deploy- files, see
guide/properties.html MMOORREE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN For more information about Java Web Start, see
09 April 2004 javaws(1)