javadoc - Java API documentation generator
jjaavvaaddoocc [ options ] [ packagenames ] [ sourcefilenames ] [ -ssuubbppaacckkaaggeess
pkg1:pkg2:... ] [ @argfiles ] PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS Arguments can be in any order.options Command-line options, as specified in this document. To
see a typical use of jjaavvaaddoocc options, see Real World Example. packagenames A series of names of packages, separated by spaces, suchas jjaavvaa..llaanngg jjaavvaa..llaanngg..rreefflleecctt jjaavvaa..aawwtt. You must sepa-
rately specify each package you want to document. TheJJaavvaaddoocc tool uses -ssoouurrcceeppaatthh to look for these package
names. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool does not recursively traverse subpackages. Wildcards such as asterisks (*) are notallowed. See EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS, Documenting One or More Pack-
ages. sourcefilenames A series of source file names, separated by spaces, eachof which can include paths and wildcards such as aster-
isk (*). The JJaavvaaddoocc tool will process every file whose name ends with .java , and whose name, when stripped ofthat suffix, is actually a legal class name (see Identi-
fiers). Therefore, you can name files with dashes (suchas X-Buffer), or other illegal characters, to prevent
them from being documented. This is useful for test files and files generated from templates. The path that precedes the source file name determines where jjaavvaaddoocc will look for the file. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool does not use-ssoouurrcceeppaatthh to look for these source file names.) For
example, passing in BBuuttttoonn..jjaavvaa is identical to ..//BBuutt-
ttoonn..jjaavvaa. An example source file name with a full path is //hhoommee//ssrrcc//jjaavvaa//aawwtt//GGrraapphhiiccss**..jjaavvaa. See EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS,Documenting One or More Classes. You can also mix pack-
agenames and sourcefilenames, as in EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS, Document-
ing Both Packages and Classes.-ssuubbppaacckkaaggeess pkg1:pkg2:...
Generates documentation from source files in the speci-
fied packages and recursively in their subpackages. Analternative to supplying packagenames or sourcefile-
names. @argfiles One or more files that contain a list of Javadoc options, packagenames and sourcefilenames in any order.Wildcards (*) and -JJ options are not allowed in these
The JJaavvaaddoocc tool parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of Java source files and produces a corresponding set of HTML pages describing (by default) the public and protected classes, nested classes (but not anonymous inner classes), interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. You can run the JJaavvaaddoocc tool on entire packages, individual source files, or both. In the first case, you pass in as an argument to jjaavvaaddoocc a series of package names. In the second case, you pass in a series of source (..jjaavvaa) file names. See EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS at the end of this document.NNOOTTEE - When you pass in package names to the Javadoc tool, it
currently processes all ..jjaavvaa classes in the specified package directories, even if the ..jjaavvaa files are code examples or other classes that are not actually members of the specified packages. It does not parse each ..jjaavvaa file for a package declaration; we may add this parsing in a future release.During a run, the Javadoc tool automatically adds cross-reference links
to package, class and member names that are being documented as part of that run. Links appear in several places: +o Declarations (return types, argument types, field types) +o "See Also" sections generated from @see tags+o In-line text generated from {@link} tags
+o Exception names generated from @throws tags +o Specified by links to members in interfaces and Overrides links to members in classes +o Summary tables listing packages, classes and members +o Package and class inheritance trees +o The index You can add hyperlinks to existing text for classes not included on thecommand line (but generated separately) by way of the -lliinnkk and
-lliinnkkoofffflliinnee options.
The Javadoc tool produces one complete document each time it is run; itcannot do incremental builds - that is, it cannot modify or ddiirreeccttllyy
incorporate results from previous runs of Javadoc. However, it can link to results from other runs, as just mentioned.As implemented, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool requires and relies on the java com-
piler to do its job. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool calls part of jjaavvaacc to compile the declarations, ignoring the member implementation. It builds a rich internal representation of the classes, including the class hierarchy, and "use" relationships, then generates the HTML from that. The JJaavvaaddoocctool also picks up user-supplied documentation from documentation com-
ments in the source code. In fact, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool will run on ..jjaavvaa source files that are purestub files with no method bodies. This means you can write documenta-
tion comments and run the JJaavvaaddoocc tool in the earliest stages of design while creating the API, before writing the implementation. Relying on the compiler ensures that the HTML output corresponds exactly with the actual implementation, which may rely on implicit, rather than explicit, source code. For example, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool willdocument default constructors (section 8.6.7 of Java Language Specifi-
cation) that are present in the ..ccllaassss files but not in the source code. In many cases, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool allows you to generate documentationfrom source files whose code is incomplete or erroneous. This is a ben-
efit that enables you to generate documentation before all debuggingand troubleshooting is done. For example, according to the Java Lan-
guage Specification, a class that contains an abstract method should itself be declared abstract. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool does not check for this, and would proceed without a warning, whereas the jjaavvaacc compiler stops on this error. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool does do some primitive checking of doccomments. Use the DocCheck doclet to check the doc comments more thor-
oughly.When the JJaavvaaddoocc tool builds its internal structure for the documenta-
tion, it loads all referenced classes. Because of this, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool must be able to find all referenced classes, whether bootstrap classes, extensions, or user classes. For more about this, see How Classes Are Found. Generally speaking, classes you create must either be loaded as an extension or in the JJaavvaaddoocc tool's class path. jjaavvaaddoocc DDoocclleettss You can customize the content and format of the JJaavvaaddoocc tool's outputby using doclets. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool has a default "built-in" doclet,
called the standard doclet, that generates HTML-formatted API documen-
tation. You can modify or subclass the standard doclet, or write your own doclet to generate HTML, XML, MIF, RTF or whatever output formatyou'd like. Information about doclets and their use is at the follow-
ing locations: +o JJaavvaaddoocc Doclets+o The -ddoocclleett command-line option
When a custom doclet is not specified with the -ddoocclleett command line
option, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool uses the default standard doclet. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool has several command line options that are available regardless of which doclet is being used. The standard doclet adds a supplementary set of command line options. Both sets of options are described below in the options section. RReellaatteedd DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn aanndd DDoocclleettss +o Javadoc Enhancements for details about improvements added in Javadoc 1.4. +o Javadoc FAQ for answers to common questions, information aboutJavadoc-related tools and workarounds for bugs.
+o How to Write Doc Comments for Javadoc for more information about Sun conventions for writing documentation comments.+o Requirements for Writing API Specifications - Standard requirements
used when writing the Java 2 Platform Specification. It can be use-
ful whether you are writing API specifications in source fiel docu-
mentation comments or in other formats. It covers requirements for packages, classes, interfaces, fields and methods to stisfy testable assertions.+o Documentation Comments Specification - The original specification on
documentation comments, Chapter 18, Documentation Comments, in the Java Language Specification, First Edition, by James Gosling, BillJoy and Guy Steele. (This chapter was removed from the second edi-
tion.)+o DocCheck Doclet - Check doc comments in source files and generates a
report listing the errors and irregularities it finds. It is part of the Sun Doc Check Utilities.+o MIF Doclet - Can automate the generation of API documentation in MIF,
FrameMaker and PDF formats. MIF is Adobe FrameMaker's interchange format. TTeerrmmiinnoollooggyy A few terms have specific meanings within the context of the JJaavvaaddoocc tool: generated document The document generated by the jjaavvaaddoocc tool from the doc comments in Java source code. The default generated document is in HTML and is created by the standard A name in the Java Language, namely the name of a pack-
age, class, interface, field, constructor, or method. Aname can be fully-qualified, such as
jjaavvaa..llaanngg..SSttrriinngg..eeqquuaallss((jjaavvaa..llaanngg..OObbjjeecctt)), or partially-
qualified, such as eeqquuaallss((OObbjjeecctt)). documented classes The classes and interfaces for which full documentation is generated during a jjaavvaaddoocc run. To be documented, the source files must be available, and either their source filenames or package names must be passed into the jjaavvaaddoocc command. We also refer to these as the classes included in the jjaavvaaddoocc run, or the included classes. inlcuded classes Classes and interfaces whose source filenames or package names are passed into the jjaavvaaddoocc command. excluded classes Classes and interfaces whose source filename or package names are not passed into the jjaavvaaddoocc command. referenced classes The classes and interfaces that are explicitly referred to in the definition (implementation) or doc comments ofthe documented classes and interfaces. Examples of ref-
erences include return type, parameter type, cast type, extended class, implemented interface, imported classes, classes used in method bodies, @see, {@link},{@linkplain}, and {@inheritDoc} tags. (Notice this def-
inition has changed since 1.3.) tags) do not qualify as referenced classes. When thE JJaavvaaddoocc tool is run, it should load into memory all of the referenced classes injavadoc's bootclasspath and classpath. (The Javadoc
tool prints a "Class not found" warning for referenced classes not found.) The JJaavvaaddoocc tool can derive enough information from the ..ccllaassss files to determine theirexistence and the fully qualified names of their mem-
bers. external referenced classes The referenced classes whose documentation not being generated during a jjaavvaaddoocc run. In other words, these classes are not passed into the JJaavvaaddoocc tool on thecomand line. Links for names in the generated documen-
tation to those classes are said to be external refer-
ences or external links. For example, if you run the JJaavvaaddoocc tool on only the jjaavvaa..aawwtt package, then anyclass in jjaavvaa..llaanngg, such as Object, is an external ref-
erenced class. External referenced classes can belinked to using the -lliinnkk and -lliinnkkoofffflliinnee options. An
important property of an external referenced class is that its source comments are normally not available to the JJaavvaaddoocc run. In this case, these comments cannot be inherited. SSoouurrccee FFiilleess The JJaavvaaddoocc tool will generate output originating from four different types of "source" files: Java language source files for classes(..jjaavvaa), package comment files, overview comment files, and miscella-
neous unprocessed files. CCllaassss SSoouurrccee CCooddee FFiilleessEach class or interface and its members can have their own documenta-
tion comment, contained in a ..jjaavvaa file. For more details about these doc commments, see DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn CCoommmmeennttss below. PPaacckkaaggee CCoommmmeenntt FFiilleess Each package can have its own documentation comment, contained in its own "source" file, that the JJaavvaaddoocc tool will merge into the package summary page that it generates. You typically include in this comment any documentation that applies to the entire package. To create a package comment file, you must name it ppaacckkaaggee..hhttmmll and place it in the package directory in the source tree along with the ..jjaavvaa files. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool will automatically look for this filenamein this location. Notice that the filename is identical for all pack-
ages. For explicit details, see the example of package.html.The content of the package comment file is one big documentation com-
ment, written in HTML, like all other comments, with one exception: The documentation comment should not include the comment separators /** and */ or leading asterisks. When writing the comment, you should make the first sentence a summary about the package, and not put a title or any other text between <> and the first sentence. You can include package tags; as with any documentation comment, all tags except {@@lliinnkk} must appear after the description. If you add a @@sseeee tag in a package comment file, it must have a fully qualified name. When the JJaavvaaddoocc tool runs, it automatically looks for this file; if found, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool does the following: +o Copies all content between < > and </bbooddyy>> tags for processing. +o Processes any package tags that are present. +o Inserts the processed text at the bottom of the package summary page it generates, as shown in Package Summary. +o Copies the first sentence of the package comment to the top of the package summary page. It also adds the package name and this first sentence to the list of packages on the overview page, as shown in Overview Summary. The end-of-sentence is determined by the same
rules used for the end of the first sentence of class and member descriptions. OOvveerrvviieeww CCoommmmeenntt FFiillee Each application or set of packages that you are documenting can have its own overview documentation comment, kept in its own "source" file,that the JJaavvaaddoocc tool will merge into the overview page that it gener-
ates. You typically include in this comment any documentation that applies to the entire application or set of packages. To create an overview comment file, you can name the file anything you want, typically oovveerrvviieeww..hhttmmll, and place it anywhere, typically at thetop level of the source tree. Notice that you can have multiple over-
view comment files for the same set of source files, in case you wantto run jjaavvaaddoocc multiple times on different sets of packages. For exam-
ple, if the source files for the jjaavvaa..aapppplleett package are contained in//hhoommee//uusseerr//ssrrcc//jjaavvaa//aapppplleett directory, you could create an overview com-
ment file at //hhoommee//uusseerr//ssrrcc//oovveerrvviieeww..hhttmmll.The content of the overview comment file is one big documentation com-
ment, written in HTML, like the package comment file described previ-
ously. See that description for details. To reiterate, when writing the comment, you should make the first sentence a summary about the application or set of packages, and not put a title or any other text between <> and the first sentence. You can include overview tags; as with any documentation comment, all tags except {@@lliinnkk} must appear after the description. If you add a @@sseeee tag, it must have a fully-
qualified name. When you run the JJaavvaaddoocc tool, you specify the overview comment filename with the -oovveerrvviieeww option. The file is then processed, similar to
that of a package comment file: +o Copies all content between <> and </bbooddyy>> tags for processing. +o Processes any overview tags that are present. +o Inserts the processed text at the bottom of the overview page it gen-
erates, as shown in Overview Summary. +o Copies the first sentence of the overview comment to the top of the overview summary page. MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss UUnnpprroocceesssseedd FFiilleess You can also include in your source any miscellaneous files that youwant the JJaavvaaddoocc tool to copy to the destination directory. These typ-
ically include graphic files (for example, Java source (..jjaavvaa) andclass (..ccllaassss) files) and self-standing HTML files whose content would
overwhelm the documentation comment of a normal Java source file.To include unprocessed files, put them in a directory called ddoocc-ffiilleess,
which can be a subdirectory of any package directory. You can have one such subdirectory for each package. You might include images, examplecode, source files, ..ccllaassss files, applets, and HTML files. For exam-
ple, if you want to include the image of a button bbuuttttoonn..ggiiff in the jjaavvaa..aawwtt..BBuuttttoonn class documentation, you place that file in the//hhoommee//uusseerr//ssrrcc//jjaavvaa//aawwtt//ddoocc-ffiilleess// directory. Notice the ddoocc-ffiilleess
directory should not be located at //hhoommee//uusseerr//ssrrcc//jjaavvaa//ddoocc-ffiilleess
because jjaavvaa is not a package - that is, it does not directly contain
any source files.All links to these unprocessed files must be hard-coded, because the
JJaavvaaddoocc tool does not look at the files - it simply copies the direc-
tory and all its contents to the destination. For example, the link in the BBuuttttoonn..jjaavvaa doc comment might look like: //**** ** TThhiiss bbuuttttoonn llooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss::** <
**// TTeesstt FFiilleess aanndd TTeemmppllaattee FFiilleess> Some developers have indicated they want to store test files and tem-
plates files in the source tree near their corresponding source files.That is, they would like to put them in the same directory, or a subdi-
rectory, of those source files.If you run the Javadoc tool by explicitly passing in individual source-
filenames, you can deliberately omit test and templates files andpre-
vent them from being processed. However, if you are passing in package names or wildcards, you need to follow certain rulesto ensure these test files and templates files are not processed.Test files differ from template files in that the former arelegal, com-
pilable source files, while the latter are not, but may end with ".java".TTeesstt ffiilleess -
Often developers want to put compilable, runnable test files for a given package in the same directory as the source files forthat package. But they want the test files to belong to a pack-
age other than the source file package, such as the unnamed package (so test files have no package statement or a different package statement from the source). In this scenario, when thesource is being documented by specifying its package name speci-
fied on the command line, the test files will cause warnings or errors. You need to put such test files in a subdirectory. For example, if you want to add test files for source files in ccoomm..ppaacckkaaggee11 put them in a subdirectory that would be an invalid package name (because it contains a hyphen):com/package1/test-files/
The test directory will be skipped by the Javadoc tool with no warn-
ings. If your test files contain doc comments, you can set up a separate runof the Javadoc tool to produce documentation of the test files by pass-
ing in their test source filenames with wildcards, such as ccoomm//ppaacckk-
aaggee// eesstt-ffiilleessjjaavvaa ..
Tempaltes for source files -
Template files have names that often end in ".java" and are not compilable. If you have a template for a source file that you want to keep in the source directory, you can name it with adash (such as ), or any other illegal Java
character, to prevent it from being processed. This relies on the fact that the Javadoc tool will only process sourcefiles whose name, when stripped of the ".java" suffix, is actually a legal class name (see Identifiers ). GGeenneerraatteedd FFiilleessBy default, jjaavvaaddoocc uses a standard doclet that generates HTML-format-
ted documentation. This doclet generates the following kinds of files (where each HTML "page" corresponds to a separate file). Note that jjaavvaaddoocc generates files with two types of names: those named afterclasses/interfaces, and those that are not (such as ppaacckkaaggee-ssuumm-
mmaarryy..hhttmmll). Files in the latter group contain hyphens to prevent file name conflicts with those in the former group. BBaassiicc CCoonntteenntt PPaaggeess+o One class or interface page (ccllaassssnnaammee..hhttmmll) for each class or inter-
face it is documenting.+o One package page (ppaacckkaaggee-ssuummmmaarryy..hhttmmll) for each package it is docu-
menting. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool includes any HTML text provided in a file named ppaacckkaaggee..hhttmmll in the package directory of the source tree.+o One overview page (oovveerrvviieeww-ssuummmmaarryy..hhttmmll) for the entire set of pack-
ages. This is the front page of the generated document. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool includes any HTML text provided in a file specified with the-oovveerrvviieeww option. Note that this file is created only if you pass
into jjaavvaaddoocc two or more package names. For further explanation, see HHTTMMLL FFrraammeess below.CCrroossss-RReeffeerreennccee PPaaggeess
+o One class hierarchy page for the entire set of packages (oovveerrvviieeww-
ttrreeee..hhttmmll). To view this, click on "Overview" in the navigation bar, then click on "Tree".+o One class hierarchy page for each package (ppaacckkaaggee-ttrreeee..hhttmmll). To
view this, go to a particular package, class or interface page; click "Tree" to display the hierarchy for that package.+o One "use" page for each package (ppaacckkaaggee-uussee..hhttmmll) and a separate one
for each class and interface (ccllaassss-uussee//ccllaassssnnaammee..hhttmmll). This page
describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors, and fields use any part of the given class, interface, or package. Given a class or interface A, its "use" page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A. You can access this page by first going to the package, class, or interface, then clicking on the "Use" link in the navigation bar.+o A deprecated API page (ddeepprreeccaatteedd-lliisstt..hhttmmll) listing all deprecated
names. (A deprecated name is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement name is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations.)+o A constant field values page (ccoonnssttaanntt-vvaalluueess..hhttmmll) for the values of
static fields.+o A serialized form page (sseerriiaalliizzeedd-ffoorrmm..hhttmmll) for information about
serializable and externalizable classes. Each such class has adescription of its serialization fields and methods. This informa-
tion is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the
API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get tothis information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Seri-
alized Form" in the "See also" section of the class description. The standard doclet automatically generates a serialized form page: anyclass (public or non-public) that implements Serializable is
included, along with rreeaaddOObbjjeecctt and wwrriitteeOObbjjeecctt methods, the fieldsthat are serialized, and the doc comments from the @serial, @serial-
Field, and @serialData tags. Public serializable classes can be excluded by marking them (or their package) with @serial exclude, andpackage-private serializable classes can be included by marking them
(or their package) with @serial include. As of 1.4, you can generatethe complete serialized form for public and private classes by run-
ning javadoc without specifying the -pprriivvaattee option.
+o An index (iinnddeexx-**..hhttmmll) of all class, interface, constructor, field
and method names, alphabetically arranged. This is internationalized for Unicode and can be generated as a single file or as a separatefile for each starting character (such as A-Z for English).
SSuuppppoorrtt FFiilleess+o A help page (hheellpp-ddoocc..hhttmmll) that describes the navigation bar and the
above pages. You can provide your own custom help file to overridethe default using -hheellppffiillee.
+o One iinnddeexx..hhttmmll file that creates the HTML frames for display. This is the file you load to display the front page with frames. This file itself contains no text content.+o Several frame files (**-ffrraammee..hhttmmll) containing lists of packages,
classes and interfaces, used when HTML frames are being displayed.+o A package list file (ppaacckkaaggee-lliisstt), used by the -lliinnkk and -lliinnkkooff-
fflliinnee options. This is a text file, not HTML, and is not reachable through any links. +o A style sheet file (ssttyylleesshheeeett..ccssss) that controls a limited amount of color, font family, font size, font style, and positioning on the generated pages.+o A doc-files directory that holds any image, example, source code, or
other files that you want copied to the destination directory. These files are not processed by the JJaavvaaddoocc tool in any manner, that is,any jjaavvaaddoocc tags in them will be ignored. This directory is not gen-
erated unless it exists in the source tree. HHTTMMLL FFrraammeess The JJaavvaaddoocc tool will generate either two or three HTML frames, as shown in the figure below. When you pass source files (*..jjaavvaa) or a single package name as arguments into the jjaavvaaddoocc command, it createsonly one frame (C) in the left-hand column, that is, the list of
classes. When you pass into jjaavvaaddoocc two or more package names, it cre-
ates a third frame (P) listing all packages, as well as an overviewpage (Detail). This overview page has the file name, oovveerrvviieeww-ssuumm-
mmaarryy..hhttmmll. Thus, this file is created only if you pass in two or more package names. You can bypass frames by clicking on the "No Frames"link or entering at oovveerrvviieeww-ssuummmmaarryy..hhttmmll.
If you are unfamiliar with HTML frames, you should be aware that frames can have focus for printing and scrolling. To give a frame focus, click on it. Then, on many browsers the arrow keys and page keys will scroll that frame, and the print menu command will print it.------------ ------------
||CC|| DDeettaaiill || ||PP|| DDeettaaiill || || || || || || |||| || || ||-|| ||
|| || || ||CC|| || || || || || || || || || || || || ||------------ ------------
jjaavvaaddoocc **..jjaavvaa jjaavvaaddoocc jjaavvaa..llaanngg jjaavvaa..aawwtt Load one of the following two files as the starting page depending on whether you want HTML frames or not: +o iinnddeexx..hhttmmll (for frames)+o oovveerrvviieeww-ssuummmmaarryy..hhttmmll (for no frames)
GGeenneerraatteedd FFiillee SSttrruuccttuurree The generated class and interface files are organized in the samedirectory hierarchy as Java source files and class files. This struc-
ture is one directory per subpackage. For example, the document generated for the class jjaavvaa..aapppplleett..AApppplleett would be located at jjaavvaa//aapppplleett//AApppplleett..hhttmmll. The file structure for the jjaavvaa..aapppplleett package follows, given that the destination directory is named aappiiddooccss. All files that contain the word "frame" appear inthe upper-left or lower-left frames, as noted. All other HTML files
appear in the right-hand frame.
NOTE: Directories are shown in bold. The asterisks (*) indicate the
files and directories that are omitted when the arguments to jjaavvaaddoocc are source file names (*..jjaavvaa) rather than package names. Also, whenarguments are source file names, ppaacckkaaggee-lliisstt is created but is empty.
The ddoocc-ffiilleess directory is not created in the destination unless it
exists in the source tree. aappiiddooccss TToopp ddiirreeccttoorryy iinnddeexx..hhttmmll IInniittiiaall ppaaggee tthhaatt sseettss uupp HHTTMMLL ffrraammeess** oovveerrvviieeww-ssuummmmaarryy..hhttmmll LLiissttss aallll ppaacckkaaggeess wwiitthh ffiirrsstt sseenntteennccee ssuummmmaarriieess
oovveerrvviieeww-ttrreeee..hhttmmll LLiissttss ccllaassss hhiieerraarrcchhyy ffoorr aallll ppaacckkaaggeess
ddeepprreeccaatteedd-lliisstt..hhttmmll LLiissttss ddeepprreeccaatteedd AAPPII ffoorr aallll ppaacckkaaggeess
ccoonnssttaanntt-vvaalluueess..hhttmmll LLiissttss vvaalluueess ooff ssttaattiicc ffiieellddss ffoorr aallll ppaacckkaaggeess
sseerriiaalliizzeedd-ffoorrmm..hhttmmll LLiissttss sseerriiaalliizzeedd ffoorrmm ffoorr aallll ppaacckkaaggeess
** oovveerrvviieeww-ffrraammee..hhttmmll LLiissttss aallll ppaacckkaaggeess,, uusseedd iinn uuppppeerr-lleefftt ffrraammee
aallllccllaasssseess-ffrraammee..hhttmmll LLiissttss aallll ppaacckkaaggee ccllaasssseess,, lloowweerr-lleefftt ffrraammee
hheellpp-ddoocc..hhttmmll LLiissttss uusseerr hheellpp ffoorr hhooww ppaaggeess aarree oorrggaanniizzeedd
iinnddeexx-aallll..hhttmmll DDeeffaauulltt iinnddeexx ccrreeaatteedd ww//oo -sspplliittiinnddeexx ooppttiioonn
iinnddeexx-ffiilleess DDiirreeccttoorryy ccrreeaatteedd wwiitthh -sspplliittiinnddeexx ooppttiioonn
>..hhttmmll IInnddeexx ffiilleess ccrreeaatteedd wwiitthh -sspplliittiinnddeexx ooppttiioonn ppaacckkaaggee-lliisstt LLiissttss ppaacckkaaggee nnaammeess uusseedd oonnllyy ffoorr rreessoollvviinngg eexxtteerrnnaall rreeffss
ssttyylleesshheeeett..ccssss HHTTMMLL ssttyyllee sshheeeett ffoorr ddeeffiinniinngg ffoonnttss,, ccoolloorrss,, ppoossiittiioonnss jjaavvaa PPaacckkaaggee ddiirreeccttoorryy aapppplleett SSuubbppaacckkaaggee ddiirreeccttoorryy AApppplleett..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AApppplleett ccllaassss AApppplleettCCoonntteexxtt..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AApppplleettCCoonntteexxtt iinntteerrffaaccee AApppplleettSSttuubb..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AApppplleettSSttuubb iinntteerrffaaccee AAuuddiiooCClliipp..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AAuuddiiooCClliipp iinntteerrffaaccee** ppaacckkaaggee-ssuummmmaarryy..hhttmmll LLiissttss ccllaasssseess wwiitthh ffiirrsstt sseenntteennccee ssuummmmaarriieess
** ppaacckkaaggee-ffrraammee..hhttmmll LLiissttss ppaacckkaaggee ccllaasssseess,, lloowweerr lleefftt-hhaanndd ffrraammee
** ppaacckkaaggee-ttrreeee..hhttmmll LLiissttss ccllaassss hhiieerraarrcchhyy ffoorr tthhiiss ppaacckkaaggee
ppaacckkaaggee-uussee LLiissttss wwhheerree tthhiiss ppaacckkaaggee iiss uusseedd
ddoocc-ffiilleess DDiirreeccttoorryy hhoollddiinngg iimmaaggee && eexxaammppllee ffiilleess
ccllaassss-uussee DDiirreeccttoorryy hhoollddiinngg ppaaggeess AAPPII iiss uusseedd
AApppplleett..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr uusseess ooff AApppplleett ccllaassss AApppplleettCCoonntteexxtt..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr uusseess ooff AApppplleettCCoonntteexxtt iinntteerrffaaccee AApppplleettSSttuubb..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr uusseess ooff AApppplleettSSttuubb iinntteerrffaaccee AAuuddiiooCClliipp..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr uusseess ooff AAuuddiiooCClliipp iinntteerrffaacceessrrcc-hhttmmll SSoouurrccee ccooddee ddiirreeccttoorryy
jjaavvaa PPaacckkaaggee ddiirreeccttoorryy aapppplleett SSuubbppaacckkaaggee ddiirreeccttoorryy AApppplleett..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AApppplleett ssoouurrccee ccooddee AApppplleettCCoonntteexxtt..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AApppplleettCCoonntteexxtt ssoouurrccee ccooddee AApppplleettSSttuubb..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AApppplleettSSttuubb ssoouurrccee ccooddee AAuuddiiooCClliipp..hhttmmll PPaaggee ffoorr AAuuddiiooCClliipp ssoouurrccee ccooddee GGeenneerraatteedd AAPPII DDeeccllaarraattiioonnss The JJaavvaaddoocc tool generates a declaration at the start of each class, interface, field, constructor, and method description. This declaration is the declaration for that API item. For example, the declaration for the Boolean class is: ppuubblliicc ffiinnaall ccllaassss BBoooolleeaann eexxtteennddss OObbjjeecctt iimmpplleemmeennttss SSeerriiaalliizzaabbllee and the declaration for the Boolean.valueOf method is: ppuubblliicc ssttaattiicc BBoooolleeaann vvaalluueeOOff((SSttrriinngg ss)) The JJaavvaaddoocc tool can include the modifiers ppuubblliicc,, pprrootteecctteedd,, pprriivvaattee,, aabbssttrraacctt,, ffiinnaall,, ssttaattiicc,, ttrraannssiieenntt,, and vvoollaattiillee,, but not ssyynncchhrroonniizzeedd or nnaattiivvee.. These last two modifiers are considered implementation detail and not part of the API specification. Rather than relying on the keyword ssyynncchhrroonniizzeedd,, APIs should document their concurrency semantics in the comment description, as in "a singleEEnnuummeerraattiioonn cannot be used by multiple threads concurrently". The doc-
ument should not describe how to achieve these semantics. As anotherexample, while HHaasshhttaabbllee should be thread-safe, there's no reason to
specify that we achieve this by synchronizing all of its exported meth-
ods. We should reserve the right to synchronize internally at the bucket level, thus offering higher concurrency. DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn CCoommmmeennttss The original "Documentation Comments Specification" can be found under related documentation. CCoommmmeennttiinngg tthhee SSoouurrccee CCooddee You can include documentation comments ("doc comments") in the sourcecode, ahead of declarations for any entity (classes, interfaces, meth-
ods, constructors, or fields). You can also create doc comments for each package and another one for the overview, though their syntax is slightly different. Doc comments are also known as Javadoc comments. A doc comment consists of the characters between the characters //**** that begin the comment and the characters **// that end it. Leading asterisks are allowed on each line and are described further below. The text can continue onto multiple lines. //**** ** TThhiiss iiss tthhee ttyyppiiccaall ffoorrmmaatt ooff aa ssiimmppllee ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn ccoommmmeenntt ** tthhaatt ssppaannss ttwwoo lliinneess.. **// To save space you can put a comment on one line: //**** TThhiiss ccoommmmeenntt ttaakkeess uupp oonnllyy oonnee lliinnee.. **//Placement of comments - Documentation comments are recognized only when
placed immediately before class, interface, constructor, method, or field declarations (see the class example, method example, and field example). Documentation comments placed in the body of a method are ignored. Only one documentation comment per declaration statement is recognized by the JJaavvaaddoocc tool.A common mistake is to put an import statement between the class com-
ment and the class declaration. Avoid this, as jjaavvaaddoocc will ignore the class comment. //**** ** TThhiiss iiss tthhee ccllaassss ccoommmmeenntt ffoorr tthhee ccllaassss WWhhaatteevveerr.. **//iimmppoorrtt ccoomm..ssuunn;; //// MMIISSTTAAKKEE - IImmppoorrttaanntt nnoott ttoo ppuutt ssttaatteemmeenntt hheerree
ppuubblliicc ccllaassss WWhhaatteevveerr {{ }}A comment is a description followed by tags - The description begins
after the starting delimiter //**** and continues until the tag section. The tag section starts with the first character @@ that begins a line (ignoring leading asterisks and white space). It is possible to have acomment with only tags and no description. The description cannot con-
tinue after the tag section begins. The argument to a tag can spanmultiple lines. There can be any number of tags - some types of tags
can be repeated while others cannot. This @@sseeee starts the tag section: //**** ** TThhiiss iiss aa ddoocc ccoommmmeenntt.. ** @@sseeee jjaavvaa..llaanngg..OObbjjeecctt **//Standard and in-line tags - A ttaagg is a special keyword within a doc
comment that the Javadoc tool can process. The Javadoc tool has stand-
alone tags, which appear as @@ttaagg,, and in-line tags, which appear within
braces, as {{@@ttaagg}. To be interpreted, a standalone tag must appear at the beginning of a line, ignoring leading asterisks, white space andcomment separator (/**). This means you can use the @ character else-
where in the text and it will not be interpreted as the start of a tag. If you want to start a line with the @ character and not have it beinterpreted, use the HTML entity @. Each standalone tag has asso-
ciated text, which includes any text following the tag up to, but not including, either the next tag, or the end of the doc comment. Thisassociated text can span multiple lines. An in-line tag is allowed and
interpreted anywhere that text is allowed. The following example con-
tains the standalone tag @@ddeepprreeccaatteedd and in-line tag {{@@lliinnkk}}..
//****** @@ddeepprreeccaatteedd AAss ooff JJDDkk 11..11,, rreeppllaacceedd bbyy {{@@lliinnkk ##sseettBBoouunnddss((iinntt,,iinntt,,iinntt,,iinntt))}}
**//Comments are written in HTML - The text must be written in HTML, in
that they should use HTML entities and HTML tags. You can use which-
ever version of HTML your browser supports; we have written the stan-
dard doclet to generate HTML 3.2-compliant code elsewhere (outside of
the documentation comments) with the inclusion of cascading style sheets and frames. (We preface each generated file with "HTML 4.0" because of the frame sets.)For example, entities for the less-than (<) and greater-than (>) sym-
bols should be written &&lltt;; and &&ggtt;;. Likewise, the ampersand (&)should be written &&aammpp;;. The bold HTML tag is shown in the follow-
ing example: //**** ** TThhiiss iiss aa <>ddoocc</bb>> ccoommmmeenntt.. ** @@sseeee jjaavvaa..llaanngg..OObbjjeecctt **// Leading asterisks - When jjaavvaaddoocc parses a doc comment, leading asterisk
(*) characters on each line are discarded; blanks and tabs preceding the initial asterisk (*) characters are also discarded. If you omit the leading asterisk on a line, all leading white space is removed. Therefore, you should not omit leading asterisks if you want leading white space to be kept, such as when indenting sample code with the <> tag. First sentence - The first sentence of each doc comment should be a
summary sentence, containing a concise but complete description of thedeclared entity. This sentence ends at the first period that is fol-
lowed by a blank, tab, or line terminator, or at the first standalone tag. The JJaavvaaddoocc tool copies this first sentence to the member summary at the top of the HTML page.Declaration with multiple fields - JJaavvaa allows declaring multiple
fields in a single statement, but this statement can have only one doc-
umentation comment, which is copied for all fields. Therefore, if you want individual documentation comments for each field, you must declareeach field in a separate statement. For example, the following docu-
mentation comment doesn't make sense when written as a single declara-
tion and would be better handled as two declarations: //**** * The horizontal and vertical distances of point (x,y) **// ppuubblliicc iinntt xx,, yy;; //// AAvvooiidd tthhiiss The JJaavvaaddoocc tool generates the following documentation from the above code: ppuubblliicc iinntt xx The horizontal and vertical distances of point (x,y). ppuubblliicc iinntt yy The horizontal and vertical distances of point (x,y).Use header tags carefully - When writing documentation comments for
members, it is best not to use HTML heading tags such as <> and < >, because the JJaavvaaddoocc tool creates an entire structured document and these structural tags can interfere with the formatting of the gener-
ated document. However, it is fine to use these headings in class and package comments to provide your own structure. Automatic Reuse of Method Comments The JJaavvaaddoocc tool has the ability to automatically reuse or "inherit" method comments in classes and interfaces. When a description, or @return, @param, @see or @throws tag is missing from a method comment, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool instead copies the corresponding description or tag comment from the method it overrides or implements (if any), according to the algorithm below. More specifically, when a @param tag for a particular parameter is missing, then the comment for that parameter is copied. When an @throws tag for a particular exception is missing, the @throws tag is copied only if that exception is declared.This behavior contrasts with version 1.3 and earlier, where the pres-
ence of any description or tag would prevent all comments from being inherited. Also of interest, is the inline tag {@@iinnhheerriittDDoocc} is present in a description or any tag, the corresponding description or tag is copied at that spot. The overridden method must be a member of a documented class, and notan external referenced class for the doc comment to actually be avail-
able to copy. Inheriting of comments occurs in three cases: +o When a method in a class overrides a method in a superclass +o When a method in an interface overrides a method in a superinterface +o When a method in a class implements a method in an interfaceIn the first two cases, for method overrides, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool gener-
ates a subheading "Overrides" in the documentation for the overriding method, with a link to the method it is overriding. In the third case, when a method in a given class implements a method in an interface, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool generates a subheading "Specified by" in the documentation for the overriding method, with a link to the method it is implementing. Algorithm for Inheriting Method Descriptions If a method does not have a doc comment, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool searches for an applicable commentusing the following algorithm, which is designed to find the most spe-
cific applicable doc comment, giving preference to interfaces over superclasses: 1. Look in each directly implemented (or extended) interface in the order they appear following the word implements (or extends) in the method declaration. Use the first doc comment found for this method. 2. If step 1 failed to find a doc comment, recursively apply thisentire algorithm to each directly implemented (or extended) inter-
face, in the same order they were examined in step 1. 3. If step 2 failed to find a doc comment and this is a class other than Object (not an interface): aa.. IIff tthhee ssuuppeerrccllaassss hhaass aa ddoocc ccoommmmeenntt ffoorr tthhiiss mmeetthhoodd,, uussee iitt.. bb.. IIff sstteepp 33aa ffaaiilleedd ttoo ffiinndd aa ddoocc ccoommmmeenntt,, rreeccuurrssiivveellyy aappppllyy tthhiiss eennttiirree aallggoorriitthhmm ttoo tthhee ssuuppeerrccllaassss.. jjaavvaaddoocc TTaaggss The JJaavvaaddoocc tool parses special tags when they are embedded within aJava doc comment. These doc tags enable you to autogenerate a com-
plete, well-formatted API from your source code. The tags start with
an "at" sign (@@) and are case-sensitive - they must be typed with the
uppercase and lowercase letters as shown. A tag must start at the beginning of a line (after any leading spaces and an optional asterisk) or it is treated as normal text. By convention, tags with the same name are grouped together. For example, put all @@sseeee tags together. Tags come in two types:+o Standalone tags - Can be placed only in the tag section that follows
the desription. There tags are not set off with curly braces: @tag.+o Inline tags - Can be placed anywhere in the comments description or
in the comments for standalone tags. Inline tags are set off with curly braces:{@@ttaagg}. For information about tags we might introduce in future releases, see Proposed Tags. The current tags are:+-------+-------+
| TTaagg | IInnttrroodduucceedd | | | in JDK |+-------+-------+
|@author | 1.0 | |{@code} | 1.5 | |{@docRoot} | 1.3 | |@deprecated | 1.0 | |@exception | 1.0 | |{@inheritDoc} | 1.4 | |{@link} | 1.2 | |{@linkplain} | 1.4 | |{@literal} | 1.5 | |@param | 1.0 | |@return | 1.0 | |@see | 1.0 | |@serial | 1.2 | |@serialData | 1.2 | |@serialField | 1.2 | |@since | 1.1 | |@throws | 1.2 | |{@value} | 1.4 | |@version | 1.0 |+-------+-------+
For custom tags, see the -tag option.
@@aauutthhoorr name-text
Adds an "Author" entry with the specified name-text to the gen-
erated docs when the -aauutthhoorr option is used. A doc comment may
contain multiple @@aauutthhoorr tags. You can specify one name per @@aauutthhoorr tag or multiple names per tag. In the former case, the JJaavvaaddoocc tool inserts a comma (,,) and space between names. Inthe latter case, the entire text is simply copied to the gener-
ated document without being parsed. Therefore, use multiple names per line if you want a localized name separator other than a comma.@@ddeepprreeccaatteedd deprecated-text
Adds a comment indicating that this API should no longer be used(even though it might continue to work). jjaavvaaddoocc moves the dep-
recated-text ahead of the description, placing it in italics and
preceding it with a bold warning: "DDeepprreeccaatteedd".The first sentence of deprecated-text should at least tell the
user when the API was deprecated and what to use as a replace-
ment. jjaavvaaddoocc copies just the first sentence to the summary section and index. Subsequent sentences can also explain why it has been deprecated. You should include a {@@lliinnkk} tag (for jjaavvaaddoocc 1.2 or later) that points to the replacement API:+o For jjaavvaaddoocc 1.2, use a {@@lliinnkk} tag. This creates the link in-
line, where you want it. For example: //**** ** @@ddeepprreeccaatteedd AAss ooff JJDDKK 11..11,, rreeppllaacceedd bbyy** {{@@lliinnkk ##sseettBBoouunnddss((iinntt,,iinntt,,iinntt,,iinntt))}}
**// +o For jjaavvaaddoocc 1.1, the standard format is to create a @@sseeee tag(which cannot be in-line) for each @@ddeepprreeccaatteedd tag.
For more about deprecation, see the @@ddeepprreeccaatteedd tag. {{@@ccooddee tteexxtt}} Equivalent to{@literal}
. Displays text in code font without interpreting the text as HTML markupor nested javadoc tags. This enables you to use regular angle brackets
( < and > ) instead of the HTML entities ( < and > ) in doc com-
ments, such as in parameter types (