Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man iwidgets_selectionbox

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man iwidgets_selectionbox

iwidgets::selectionbox(1) [incr Widgets] iwidgets::selectionbox(1)


iwidgets::selectionbox - Create and manipulate a selection box widget


iiwwiiddggeettss::::sseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx pathName ?options? IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEE

itk::Widget <- iwidgets::Selectionbox

SSTTAANNDDAARRDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS aaccttiivveeBBaacckkggrroouunndd bbaacckkggrroouunndd bboorrddeerrWWiiddtthh ccuurrssoorr eexxppoorrttSSeelleeccttiioonn ffoorreeggrroouunndd hhiigghhlliigghhttCCoolloorr hhiigghhlliigghhttTThhiicckknneessss iinnsseerrttBBaacckkggrroouunndd iinnsseerrttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh iinnsseerrttOOffffTTiimmee iinnsseerrttOOnnTTiimmee iinnsseerrttWWiiddtthh rreelliieeff rreeppeeaattDDeellaayy rreeppeeaattIInntteerrvvaall sseelleeccttBBaacckkggrroouunndd sseelleeccttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh sseelleeccttFFoorreeggrroouunndd See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. AASSSSOOCCIIAATTEEDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS tteexxttBBaacckkggrroouunndd tteexxttFFoonntt See the "entryfield" widget class manual entry for details on the above associated options. llaabbeellFFoonntt llaabbeellMMaarrggiinn See the "labeledwidget" class manual entry for details on the above associated options. aaccttiivveeRReelliieeff eelleemmeennttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh jjuummppttrroouugghhCCoolloorr See the "scrollbar" widget class manual entry for details on the above associated options. ddbbllCClliicckkCCoommmmaanndd hhssccrroollllMMooddee ssbbWWiiddtthh ssccrroollllMMaarrggiinn tteexxttBBaacckkggrroouunndd tteexxttFFoonntt vvssccrroollllMMooddee See the "scrolledlistbox" widget class manual entry for details on the above associated options.


Name: cchhiillddSSiitteePPooss Class: PPoossiittiioonn

Command-Line Switch: -cchhiillddssiitteeppooss

Specifies the position of the child site in the selection box: nn, ss, ee, ww, or . The default is center Name: hheeiigghhtt Class: HHeeiigghhtt

Command-Line Switch: -hheeiigghhtt

Specifies the height of the selection box. The value may be specified in any of the forms acceptable to TkGetPixels. The default is 320 pixels. Name: iitteemmssCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaanndd

Command-Line Switch: -iitteemmssccoommmmaanndd

Specifies a command to be evaluated following selection of an item. Name: iitteemmssLLaabbeell Class: TTeexxtt

Command-Line Switch: -iitteemmssllaabbeell

Specifies the text of the label for the items list. The default is "List". Name: iitteemmssLLaabbeellPPooss Class: PPoossiittiioonn

Command-Line Switch: -iitteemmssllaabbeellppooss

Specifies the position of the label along the side of the items list: nn, nnee, ee, ssee, ss, ssww, ww, or nnww. The default is nw. Name: iitteemmssOOnn Class: IItteemmssOOnn

Command-Line Switch: -iitteemmssoonn

Specifies whether or not to display the items list in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeettBBoooolleeaann. The default is true. Name: mmaarrggiinn Class: MMaarrggiinn

Command-Line Switch: -mmaarrggiinn

Specifies distance between the items list and selection entry in any of the forms acceptable to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss. The default is 7 pixels. Name: sseelleeccttiioonnCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaanndd

Command-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnccoommmmaanndd

Specifies a Tcl procedure to be associated with a return key press event in the selection entry field. Name: sseelleeccttiioonnLLaabbeell Class: TTeexxtt

Command-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnllaabbeell

Specifies the text of the label for the selection entry field. The default is "Selection". Name: sseelleeccttiioonnLLaabbeellPPooss Class: PPoossiittiioonn

Command-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnllaabbeellppooss

Specifies the position of the label along the side of the selec-

tion: nn, nnee, ee, ssee, ss, ssww, ww, or nnww. The default is nw. Name: sseelleeccttiioonnOOnn Class: SSeelleeccttiioonnOOnn

Command-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnoonn

Specifies whether or not to display the selection entry in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeettBBoooolleeaann. The default is true. Name: wwiiddtthh Class: WWiiddtthh

Command-Line Switch: -wwiiddtthh

Specifies the width of the selection box. The value may be specified in any of the forms acceptable to TkGetPixels. The default is 260 pixels.


The iiwwiiddggeettss::::sseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command creates a scrolled list of items and

a selection entry field. The user may choose any of the items dis-

played in the scrolled list of alternatives and the selection field will be filled with the choice. The user is also free to enter a new value in the selection entry field. Both the list and entry areas have labels. A child site is also provided in which the user may create other widgets to be used in conjunction with the selection box. MMEETTHHOODDSS The iiwwiiddggeettss::::sseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. AASSSSOOCCIIAATTEEDD MMEETTHHOODDSS ccuurrsseelleeccttiioonn ddeelleettee iinnddeexx nneeaarreesstt ssccaann sseelleeccttiioonn ssiizzee

See the "listbox" widget class manual entry for details on the associ-

ated methods.


pathName ccggeett option Returns the current value of the configuration option given by

option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiidd-

ggeettss::::sseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command. pathName cchhiillddssiittee Returns the child site widget path name. pathName cclleeaarr component Delete the contents of either the selection entry widget or items list. The component argument may be either iitteemmss or sseelleeccttiioonn. pathName ccoonnffiigguurree ?option? ?value option value ...? Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If no

option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-

able options for pathName (see TTkkCCoonnffiigguurreeIInnffoo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or

more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies

the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiiddggeettss::::sseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command. pathName ggeett Returns the current value of the selection entry widget. pathName iinnsseerrtt component args Insert element(s) into either the selection entry widget or items list. The component argument may be either iitteemmss or sseelleeccttiioonn. The args follow the rules of either an entry or list widget depending on the component value. pathName sseelleeccttiitteemm Replace the selection entry field contents with the currently selected items value. CCOOMMPPOONNEENNTTSS Name: cchhiillddssiittee Class: FFrraammee The childsite component is the user child site for the selection box. See the "frame" widget manual entry for details on the childsite component item. Name: iitteemmss Class: SSccrroolllleeddlliissttbbooxx The items component provides the scrolled list box of items for the selection box. See the "scrolledlistbox" widget manual entry for details on the items component item. Name: sseelleeccttiioonn Class: EEnnttrryyffiieelldd

The selection component provides the entry field in the selec-

tion box for display of the selected item in the items compo-

nent. See the "entryfield" widget manual entry for details on the selection component item. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE package require Iwidgets 4.0 option add *textBackground white

iwidgets::selectionbox .sb -items {Hello {Out There} World}

pack .sb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes

set cs [label [.sb childsite].label -text "Child Site"]

pack $cs -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10

.sb insert items 2 {Cruel Cruel} .sb selection set 1 AUTHOR Mark L. Ulferts KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS selectionbox, widget Tk iwidgets::selectionbox(1)

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