iwidgets::scrolledframe - Create and manipulate scrolled frame widgets
iiwwiiddggeettss::::ssccrroolllleeddffrraammee pathName ?options? IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEEitk::Widget <- iwidgets::Labeledwidget <- iwidgets::Scrolledwidget <-
iwidgets::Scrolledframe SSTTAANNDDAARRDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS aaccttiivveeBBaacckkggrroouunndd bbaacckkggrroouunndd bboorrddeerrWWiiddtthh ccuurrssoorr ffoonntt ffoorreeggrroouunndd hhiigghhlliigghhttCCoolloorr hhiigghhlliigghhttTThhiicckknneessss rreelliieeff sseelleeccttBBaacckkggrroouunndd sseelleeccttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh sseelleeccttFFoorreeggrroouunndd See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. AASSSSOOCCIIAATTEEDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS aaccttiivveeRReelliieeff eelleemmeennttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh jjuummppttrroouugghhCCoolloorr See the "scrollbar" manual entry for details on the associated options. IINNHHEERRIITTEEDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS LLaabbeellBBiittmmaapp llaabbeellFFoonntt llaabbeellIImmaaggee llaabbeellMMaarrggiinn llaabbeellPPooss llaabbeellTTeexxtt llaabbeellVVaarriiaabbllee ssttiicckkyy See the "labeledwidget" class manual entry for details on the inherited options.WWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC OOPPTTIIOONNSS
Name: hheeiigghhtt Class: HHeeiigghhttCommand-Line Switch: -hheeiigghhtt
Specifies the height of the scrolled frame widget in any of the forms acceptable to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss. The default height is 100 pixels. Name: hhssccrroollllMMooddee Class: SSccrroollllMMooddeeCommand-Line Switch: -hhssccrroollllmmooddee
Specifies the the display mode to be used for the horizontal scrollbar: ssttaattiicc, ddyynnaammiicc, or nnoonnee. In static mode, the scroll bar is displayed at all times. Dynamic mode displays the scroll bar as required, and none disables the scroll bar display. The default is static. Name: ssbbWWiiddtthh Class: WWiiddtthhCommand-Line Switch: -ssbbwwiiddtthh
Specifies the width of the scrollbar in any of the forms accept-
able to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss. The default width is 15 pixels. Name: ssccrroollllMMaarrggiinn Class: MMaarrggiinnCommand-Line Switch: -ssccrroollllmmaarrggiinn
Specifies the distance between the frame and scrollbar in any of the forms acceptable to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss. The default is 3 pixels. Name: vvssccrroollllMMooddee Class: SSccrroollllMMooddeeCommand-Line Switch: -vvssccrroollllmmooddee
Specifies the the display mode to be used for the vertical scrollbar: ssttaattiicc, ddyynnaammiicc, or nnoonnee. In static mode, the scroll bar is displayed at all times. Dynamic mode displays the scroll bar as required, and none disables the scroll bar display. The default is static. Name: wwiiddtthh Class: WWiiddtthhCommand-Line Switch: -wwiiddtthh
Specifies the width of the scrolled frame widget in any of the forms acceptable to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss. The default height is 100 pixels.DESCRIPTION
The ssccrroolllleeddffrraammee combines the functionallity of scrolling with that ofa typical frame widget to implement a clipable viewing area whose visi-
ble region may be modified with the scroll bars. This enables the con-
truction of visually larger areas than which could normally be dis-
played, containing a heterogenous mix of other widgets. Options exist which allow full control over which scrollbars are displayed and the method, i.e. statically or dynamically. The frame itself may beaccessed by the cchhiillddssiittee method and then filled with other widget com-
binations. MMEETTHHOODDSS The iiwwiiddggeettss::::ssccrroolllleeddffrraammee command creates a new Tcl command whosename is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various opera-
tions on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for scrolledframe widgets: AASSSSOOCCIIAATTEEDD MMEETTHHOODDSS xxvviieeww yyvviieeww See the "canvas" manual entry for details on the associated methods.WWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC MMEETTHHOODDSS
pathName ccggeett option Returns the current value of the configuration option given byoption. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiidd-
ggeettss::::ssccrroolllleeddffrraammee command. pathName cchhiillddssiittee Return the path name of the child site. pathName ccoonnffiigguurree ?option? ?value option value ...? Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If nooption is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
able options for pathName (see TTkkCCoonnffiigguurreeIInnffoo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one ormore option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiiddggeettss::::ssccrroolllleeddffrraammee command. pathName jjuussttiiffyy direction Justifies the frame contents via the scroll bars in one of four directions: lleefftt, rriigghhtt, ttoopp, or bboottttoomm. CCOOMMPPOONNEENNTTSS Name: hhoorriizzssbb Class: SSccrroollllbbaarr The horizsb component is the horizontal scroll bar. See the"ScrollBar" widget manual entry for details on the horizsb com-
ponent item. Name: vveerrttssbb Class: SSccrroollllbbaarr The vertsb component is the vertical scroll bar. See the"ScrollBar" widget manual entry for details on the vertsb compo-
nent item. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE package require Iwidgets 4.0iwidgets::scrolledframe .sf -width 150 -height 180 \
-labelon yes -labeltext scrolledframe
set cs [.sf childsite]pack [button $cs.b1 -text Hello] -pady 10
pack [button $cs.b2 -text World] -pady 10
pack [button $cs.b3 -text "This is a test"] -pady 10
pack [button $cs.b4 -text "This is a really big button"] -pady 10
pack [button $cs.b5 -text "This is another really big button"] -pady 10
pack [button $cs.b6 -text "This is the last really big button"] -pady 10
pack .sf -expand yes -fill both -padx 10 -pady 10
AUTHOR Mark L. Ulferts Sue Yockey KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS scrolledframe, frame, widget Tk iwidgets::scrolledframe(1)