iwidgets::hyperhelp - Create and manipulate a hyperhelp widget
iiwwiiddggeettss::::hhyyppeerrhheellpp pathName ?options? IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEEitk::Toplevel <- iwidgets::Shell <- iwidgets::Hyperhelp
SSTTAANNDDAARRDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS aaccttiivveeBBaacckkggrroouunndd bbaacckkggrroouunndd bboorrddeerrWWiiddtthh cclloosseeccmmdd ccuurrssoorr eexxppoorrttSSeelleeccttiioonn ffoorreeggrroouunndd hhiigghhlliigghhttCCoolloorr hhiigghhlliigghhttTThhiicckknneessss iinnsseerrttBBaacckkggrroouunndd iinnsseerrttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh iinnsseerrttOOffffTTiimmee iinnsseerrttOOnnTTiimmee iinnsseerrttWWiiddtthh ppaaddXX ppaaddYY rreelliieeff rreeppeeaattDDeellaayy rreeppeeaattIInntteerrvvaall sseelleeccttBBaacckkggrroouunndd sseelleeccttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh sseelleeccttFFoorreeggrroouunndd sseettGGrriidd See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. AASSSSOOCCIIAATTEEDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS hhssccrroollllmmooddee vvssccrroollllmmooddee tteexxttbbaacckkggrroouunndd ffoonnttnnaammee ffoonnttssiizzee ffiixxeeddffoonntt lliinnkk lliinnkkhhiigghhlliigghhtt wwiiddtthh hheeiigghhtt ssttaattee wwrraapp uunnkknnoowwnniimmaaggee See the "scrolledhtml" widget manual entry for details on the above associated options. IINNHHEERRIITTEEDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS mmooddaalliittyy ttiittllee See the "shell" manual entry for details on the above inherited options.WWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC OOPPTTIIOONNSS
Name: ttooppiiccss Class: TTooppiiccssCommand-Line Switch: -ttooppiiccss
Specifies a list of help topics in the form {?topic? ... }. Topic may either be a topic name, in which case the document associated with the topic should be in the file hheellppddiirr/topic.html, or it may be of the form {name file}. In the latter case, name is displayed in the topic menu, and selecting the name loads file. If file has a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to helpdir. Name: hheellppddiirr Class: DDiirreeccttoorryyCommand-Line Switch: -hheellppddiirr
Specifies the directory where help files are located. Name: cclloosseeCCmmdd Class: CClloosseeCCmmddCommand-Line Switch: -cclloosseeccmmdd
Specifies the tcl command to be executed when the close option is selected from the topics menu. Name: mmaaxxHHiissttoorryy Class: MMaaxxHHiissttoorryyCommand-Line Switch: -mmaaxxhhiissttoorryy
Specifies the maximum number of entries stored in the history list Name: bbeeffoorreelliinnkk Class: BBeeffoorreeLLiinnkkCommand-Line Switch: -bbeeffoorreelliinnkk
Specifies a command to be eval'ed before a new link is dis-
played. The path of the link to be displayed is appended before evaling the command. A suggested use might be to busy the widget while a new page is being displayed. Name: aafftteerrlliinnkk Class: AAfftteerrLLiinnkkCommand-Line Switch: -aafftteerrlliinnkk
Specifies a command to be eval'ed after a new link is completely displayed. The path of the link that was displayed is appended before evaling the command.DESCRIPTION
The iiwwiiddggeettss::::hhyyppeerrhheellpp command creates a shell window with a pulldown menu showing a list of topics. The topics are displayed by importing a HTML formatted file named hheellppddiirr/topic.html. For a list of supported HTML tags, see ssccrroolllleeddhhttmmll((nn)). MMEETTHHOODDSS The iiwwiiddggeettss::::hhyyppeerrhheellpp command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for dialog widgets: IINNHHEERRIITTEEDD MMEETTHHOODDSS aaccttiivvaattee cceenntteerr cchhiillddssiittee ddeeaaccttiivvaatteeSee the "shell" manual entry for details on the above inherited meth-
pathName ccggeett option Returns the current value of the configuration option given byoption. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiidd-
ggeettss::::hhyyppeerrhheellpp command. pathName ccoonnffiigguurree ?option? ?value option value ...? Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If nooption is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
able options for pathName (see TTkkCCoonnffiigguurreeIInnffoo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one ormore option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiiddggeettss::::hhyyppeerrhheellpp command. pathName sshhoowwttooppiicc topic Display html file hheellppddiirr/topic.html. Topic may optionally be ofthe form topicname#anchorname. In this form, either topicname or
anchorname or both may be empty. If topicname is empty, the cur-
rent topic is assumed. If anchorname is empty, the top of the document is assumed pathName ffoolllloowwlliinnkk href Display html file href. Href may be optionally be of the formfilename#anchorname. In this form, either filename or anchorname
or both may be empty. If filename is empty, the current document is assumed. If anchorname is empty, the top of the document is assumed. pathName ffoorrwwaarrdd Display html file one forward in history list, if applicable. pathName bbaacckk Display html file one back in history list, if applicable. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE package require Iwidgets 4.0iwidgets::hyperhelp .h -topics { Intro Help } -helpdir ~/help
.h showtopic Intro AUTHOR Kris Raney KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS hyperhelp, html, help, shell, widget Tk iwidgets::hyperhelp(1)