iwidgets::extfileselectionbox - Create and manipulate a file selection
box widgetSYNOPSIS
iiwwiiddggeettss::::eexxttffiilleesseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx pathName ?options? IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEEitk::Widget <- iwidgets::Extfileselectionbox
SSTTAANNDDAARRDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS aaccttiivveeBBaacckkggrroouunndd bbaacckkggrroouunndd bboorrddeerrWWiiddtthh ccuurrssoorr ffoorreeggrroouunndd hhiigghhlliigghhttCCoolloorr hhiigghhlliigghhttTThhiicckknneessss iinnsseerrttBBaacckkggrroouunndd iinnsseerrttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh iinnsseerrttOOffffTTiimmee iinnsseerrttOOnnTTiimmee iinnsseerrttWWiiddtthh sseelleeccttBBaacckkggrroouunndd sseelleeccttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh sseelleeccttFFoorreeggrroouunndd See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. AASSSSOOCCIIAATTEEDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS ppooppuuppCCuurrssoorr tteexxttBBaacckkggrroouunndd tteexxttFFoonnttSee the "combobox" widget manual entry for details on the above associ-
ated options. llaabbeellFFoonntt See the "labeledwidget" widget manual entry for details on the above associated options. ssaasshhCCuurrssoorr See the "panedwindow" widget manual entry for details on the above associated options. aaccttiivveeRReelliieeff eelleemmeennttBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh jjuummppttrroouugghhCCoolloorr See the "scrollbar" widget class manual entry for details on the above associated options. tteexxttBBaacckkggrroouunndd tteexxttFFoonntt See the "scrolledlistbox" widget manual entry for details on the above associated options.WWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC OOPPTTIIOONNSS
Name: aauuttoommoouunntt Class: AAuuttoommoouunnttCommand-Line Switch: -aauuttoommoouunntt
Specifies a list of directory prefixes to ignore. Typically, this option would be used as follows:-automount {export tmpmnt}
Name: cchhiillddSSiitteePPooss Class: PPoossiittiioonnCommand-Line Switch: -cchhiillddssiitteeppooss
Specifies the position of the child site in the extended filese-
lection box: nn, ss, ee, ww, ttoopp, or bboottttoomm. The default is s. Name: ddiirreeccttoorryy Class: DDiirreeccttoorryyCommand-Line Switch: -ddiirreeccttoorryy
Specifies the initial default directory. The default is the present working directory. Name: ddiirrSSeeaarrcchhCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -ddiirrsseeaarrcchhccoommmmaanndd
Specifies a Tcl command to be executed to perform a directory search. The command will receive the current working directory and filter mask as arguments. The command should return a list of files which will be placed into the directory list. Name: ddiirrssLLaabbeell Class: TTeexxttCommand-Line Switch: -ddiirrssllaabbeell
Specifies the text of the label for the directory list. The default is "Directories". Name: ddiirrssOOnn Class: DDiirrssOOnnCommand-Line Switch: -ddiirrssoonn
Specifies whether or not to display the directory list. Thevalue may be given in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeett-
BBoooolleeaann. The default is true. Name: ffiilleeSSeeaarrcchhCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilleesseeaarrcchhccoommmmaanndd
Specifies a Tcl command to be executed to perform a file search.The command will receive the current working directory and fil-
ter mask as arguments. The command should return a list of files which will be placed into the file list. Name: ffiilleessLLaabbeell Class: TTeexxttCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilleessllaabbeell
Specifies the text of the label for the files list. The default is "Files". Name: ffiilleessOOnn Class: FFiilleessOOnnCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilleessoonn
Specifies whether or not to display the files list. The value may be given in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeettBBoooolleeaann. The default is true. Name: ffiilleeTTyyppee Class: FFiilleeTTyyppeeCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilleettyyppee
Specify the type of files which may appear in the file list: rreegguullaarr, ddiirreeccttoorryy, or aannyy. The default is regular. Name: ffiilltteerrCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilltteerrccoommmmaanndd
Specifies a Tcl command to be executed upon hitting the Return key in the filter combobox widget. Name: ffiilltteerrLLaabbeell Class: TTeexxttCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilltteerrllaabbeell
Specifies the text of the label for the filter combobox. The default is "Filter". Name: ffiilltteerrOOnn Class: FFiilltteerrOOnnCommand-Line Switch: -ffiilltteerroonn
Specifies whether or not to display the filter combobox. Thevalue may be given in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeett-
BBoooolleeaann. The default is true. Name: hheeiigghhtt Class: HHeeiigghhttCommand-Line Switch: -hheeiigghhtt
Specifies the height of the selection box. The value may be specified in any of the forms acceptable to TkGetPixels. The default is 300 pixels. Name: iinnvvaalliidd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -iinnvvaalliidd
Command to be executed should the filter contents be proven invalid. The default is {bell}. Name: mmaasskk Class: MMaasskkCommand-Line Switch: -mmaasskk
Specifies the initial file mask string. The default is "*". Name: nnooMMaattcchhSSttrriinngg Class: NNooMMaattcchhSSttrriinnggCommand-Line Switch: -nnoommaattcchhssttrriinngg
Specifies the string to be displayed in the files list should no files match the mask. The default is "". Name: sseelleeccttDDiirrCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttddiirroommmmaanndd
Specifies a Tcl command to be executed following selection of a directory in the directory list. Name: sseelleeccttFFiilleeCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttffiilleeoommmmaanndd
Specifies a Tcl command to be executed following selection of a file in the files list. Name: sseelleeccttiioonnCCoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnccoommmmaanndd
Specifies a Tcl command to be executed upon hitting the Return key in the selection combobox widget. Name: sseelleeccttiioonnLLaabbeell Class: TTeexxttCommand-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnllaabbeell
Specifies the text of the label for the selection combobox. The default is "Selection". Name: sseelleeccttiioonnOOnn Class: SSeelleeccttiioonnOOnnCommand-Line Switch: -sseelleeccttiioonnoonn
Specifies whether or not to display the selection combobox. Thevalue may be given in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeett-
BBoooolleeaann. The default is true. Name: wwiiddtthh Class: WWiiddtthhCommand-Line Switch: -wwiiddtthh
Specifies the width of the selection box. The value may be specified in any of the forms acceptable to TkGetPixels. The default is 350 pixels.DESCRIPTION
The iiwwiiddggeettss::::eexxttffiilleesseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command creates an extended file selection box which is slightly different than the fileselectionbox widget. The differences are mostly cosmetic in that the listboxes are within a panedwindow and the entryfields for the filter and selection have been replaced by comboboxes. Other than that the interface is practically the same. MMEETTHHOODDSS The iiwwiiddggeettss::::eexxttffiilleesseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for extfileselectionbox widgets:WWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC MMEETTHHOODDSS
pathName ccggeett option Returns the current value of the configuration option given byoption. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iiwwiidd-
ggeettss::::eexxttffiilleesseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx command. pathName cchhiillddssiittee Returns the child site widget path name. pathName ccoonnffiigguurree ?option? ?value option value ...? Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If nooption is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
able options for pathName (see TTkkCCoonnffiigguurreeIInnffoo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one ormore option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have anyof the values accepted by the iiwwiiddggeettss::::eexxttffiilleesseelleeccttiioonnbbooxx com-
mand. pathName ffiilltteerr Update the current contents of the extended file selection box based on the current filter combobox value. pathName ggeett Returns the current value of the selection combobox widget. CCOOMMPPOONNEENNTTSS Name: ddiirrss Class: SSccrroolllleeddlliissttbbooxx The dirs component is the directory list box for the extended fileselection box. See the "scrolledlistbox" widget manual entry for details on the dirs component item. Name: ffiilleess Class: SSccrroolllleeddlliissttbbooxxThe files component is the file list box for the extended files-
election box. See the "scrolledlistbox" widget manual entry for details on the files component item. Name: ffiilltteerr Class: CCoommbboobbooxx The filter component is the field for user input of the filter value. See the "combobox" widget manual entry for details on the filter component item. Name: sseelleeccttiioonn Class: CCoommbboobbooxxThe selection component is the field for user input of the cur-
rently selected file value. See the "combobox" widget manual entry for details on the selection component item. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE package require Iwidgets 4.0 iwidgets::extfileselectionbox .fsbpack .fsb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes
AUTHOR(S) Mark L. Ulferts Anthony Parent KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS extfileselectionbox, widget Tk iwidgets::extfileselectionbox(1)