iwidgets::extbutton - Extends the behavior of the Tk button by allowing
a bitmap or image to coexist with text.SYNOPSIS
iiwwiiddggeettss::::eexxttbbuuttttoonn pathName ?options? IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEEitk::Widget <- iwidgets::Extbutton
SSTTAANNDDAARRDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS aaccttiivveebbaacckkggrroouunndd aaccttiivveeffoorreeggrroouunndd bbiittmmaapp bbaacckkggrroouunndd bbdd ccuurrssoorr ddiissaabblleeddffoorreeggrroouunndd ffoonntt ffoorreeggrroouunndd iimmaaggee jjuussttiiffyy rreelliieeff tteexxtt See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options.WWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC OOPPTTIIOONNSS
Name: bbiittmmaappffoorreeggrroouunndd Class: FFoorreeggrroouunnddCommand-Line Switch: -bbiittmmaappffoorreeggrroouunndd
Configures the foreground color of the bitmap. Name: ccoommmmaanndd Class: CCoommmmaannddCommand-Line Switch: -ccoommmmaanndd
Associate a command with the extbutton. Simulates a Tk button's-command option. Invoked by either <1> events or by explicitly
calling the public invoke() method. Name: ddeeffaauullttrriinngg Class: DDeeffaauullttRRiinnggCommand-Line Switch: -ddeeffaauullttrriinngg
Boolean describing whether the extbutton displays its default ring given in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeettBBoooolleeaann. The default is false. Name: ddeeffaauullttrriinnggppaadd Class: PPaaddCommand-Line Switch: -ddeeffaauullttrriinnggppaadd
Specifies the amount of space to be allocated to the indentation of the default ring ring given in any of the forms acceptable to TTccllGGeettPPiixxeellss. The option has no effect if the defaultring option is set to false. The default is 4 pixels. Name: iimmaaggeePPooss Class: PPoossiittiioonnCommand-Line Switch: -iimmaaggeeppooss
Specifies the image position relative to the message text: nn, nnee, nnww, ss, ssee, ssww, ww, wwnn, wwss, ee, eenn, or eess. The default is w. Name: rriinnggBBaacckkggrroouunndd Class: BBaacckkggrroouunnddCommand-Line Switch: -rriinnggbbaacckkggrroouunndd
Configures the background color of the default ring frame (if-defaultring is set to boolean true).
The eexxttbbuuttttoonn extends the behavior of the atomic Tk button by allowingtext and an image or bitmap to coexist. The user may use the -image or
-bitmap options to specify an image as well as the -imagepos option to
specify image position relative to the text. Note that the extbutton is not intended to be used without an image/bitmap. There will be an emtpy space next to the text if no image/bitmap is specified. MMEETTHHOODDSS The iiwwiiddggeettss::::eexxttbbuuttttoonn command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...? IINNHHEERRIITTEEDD MMEETTHHOODDSS Each of the following methods are inherited from itk::Archetype. See that man page for details. pathName ccggeett pathName ccoommppoonneenntt pathName ccoonnffiigg pathName ccoonnffiigguurreeWWIIDDGGEETT-SSPPEECCIIFFIICC MMEETTHHOODDSS
pathName iinnvvookkeeEvaluates the command fragment associated with the -command
option. pathName ffllaasshh Simulates the Tk button's flash command. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS package require Iwidgets 4.0iwidgets::extbutton .eb -text "Bitmap example" -bitmap info \
-background bisque -activeforeground red -bitmapforeground blue \
-defaultring 1 -command {puts "Bisque is beautiful"}
pack .eb -expand 1
iwidgets::extbutton .eb -text "Image example" -relief ridge -image \
[image create photo -file $itk::library/../iwidgets/demos/images/clear.gif] \
-font 9x15bold -background lightgreen -imagepos e \
-activebackground lightyellow
pack .eb -expand 1
AUTHOR Chad Smith KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS button, pushbutton Tk iwidgets::extbutton(1)