Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ipconfig

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ipconfig

IPCONFIG(8) BSD System Manager's Manual IPCONFIG(8)


iippccoonnffiigg - view and control IP configuration state


iippccoonnffiigg wwaaiittaallll

iippccoonnffiigg ggeettiiffaaddddrr interface-name

iippccoonnffiigg iiffccoouunntt

iippccoonnffiigg ggeettooppttiioonn interface-name (option-name | option-code)

iippccoonnffiigg ggeettppaacckkeett interface-name

iippccoonnffiigg sseett interface-name NNOONNEE

iippccoonnffiigg sseett interface-name (DDHHCCPP | BBOOOOTTPP)

iippccoonnffiigg sseett interface-name (MMAANNUUAALL | IINNFFOORRMM) ip-address subnet-mask

iippccoonnffiigg sseettvveerrbboossee level


iippccoonnffiigg is a utility that communicates with the IPConfiguration agent to retrieve and set IP configuration parameters. It should only be used in a test and debug context. Using it for any other purpose is strongly

discouraged. Public API's in the SystemConfiguration framework are cur-

rently the only supported way to access and control the state of IPCon-

figuration. The IPConfiguration agent is responsible for configuring and managing the

IP addresses on direct, connectionless interfaces such as IEEE 802.3 Eth-

ernet and IEEE 1394 FireWire. The IPConfiguration agent is a program bundle that is loaded and executed by the configd(8) process. The IPConfiguration agent implements the client side of the DHCP and BOOTP protocols described in RFC951, RFC1542, RFC2131, and RFC2132. It also assigns and maintains static IP addresses. It may also allocate and

assign a link-local IP address if DHCP fails to acquire an IP address.

In all cases, the IPConfiguration agent performs IP address conflict detection before assigning an IP address to an interface. CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS The iippccoonnffiigg utility provides several commands: wwaaiittaallll Blocks until all network services have completed configuring, or have timed out in the process of configuring. This is

only useful for initial system start-up time synchronization

for legacy network services that are incapable of dealing with dynamic network configuration changes.

ggeettiiffaaddddrr interface-name

Prints to standard output the IP address for the first net-

work service associated with the given interface. The output will be empty if no service is currently configured or active on the interface.

iiffccoouunntt Prints the number of interfaces that IPConfiguration is capa-

ble of configuring. The value that's printed will not change unless relevant network interfaces are either added to or removed from the system.

ggeettooppttiioonn interface-name (option-name | option-code)

Prints the BOOTP/DHCP option with the given name or option code integer value. See bootpd(8) for option code names. If an option has multiple values e.g. ddoommaaiinnnnaammeesseerrvveerr, only the first value is printed.

ggeettppaacckkeett interface-name

Prints to standard output the DHCP/BOOTP packet that the client accepted from the DHCP/BOOTP server. This command is useful to check what the server provided, and whether the values are sensible. This command outputs nothing if DHCP/BOOTP is not active on the interface, or the attempt to acquire an IP address was unsuccessful.

sseett interface-name NNOONNEE

sseett interface-name (DDHHCCPP | BBOOOOTTPP)

sseett interface-name (MMAANNUUAALL | IINNFFOORRMM) ip-address subnet-mask

Sets the interface to have a new temporary network service of the given type. All existing services on the interface are

first de-configured before the new service is instantiated.

If NONE is supplied, no new service is instantiated. DHCP and BOOTP require no additional arguments. The IP address, subnet mask, router, and DNS information are retrieved automatically. Both MANUAL and INFORM require the specification of an IP

address ip-address and a subnet mask subnet-mask.

The INFORM service configures the IP address statically like MANUAL, but then broadcasts DHCP INFORM packets to retrieve

DHCP option information. If the DHCP server responds and sup-

plies a subnet mask, that subnet mask is used instead of the

specified subnet-mask.

The sseett command requires root privileges. NNoottee:: The sseett command is very useful for debugging, but it

can't be used to configure a persistent service. The tempo-

rary services that are created only remain until the next network configuration change occurs. See scselect(8). sseettvveerrbboossee level

Sets verbose mode logging in the IPConfiguration agent. Spec-

ify a level value of 00 to disable verbose logging, the default. Specify a value of 11 to enable verbose logging. When enabled, useful debugging information is logged using syslog(3) with level LOGNOTICE. In addition, the packet trace file //vvaarr//lloogg//ccoomm..aappppllee..IIPPCCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn..bboooottpp is opened and BOOTP/DHCP packets that are sent and received are printed to the file. The sseettvveerrbboossee command requires root privileges. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

# ipconfig getpacket en0

op = BOOTREPLY htype = 1 dpflags = 0 hlen = 6 hops = 0 xid = 1956115059 secs = 0 ciaddr = yiaddr = siaddr = giaddr = chaddr = 0:3:93:7a:d7:5c sname = file = options: Options count is 10 dhcpmessagetype (uint8): ACK 0x5 serveridentifier (ip): leasetime (uint32): 0x164a subnetmask (ip): router (ipmult): {} domainnameserver (ipmult): {} domainname (string): end (none):

# ipconfig getoption en0 router


configd(8), bootpd(8), scselect(8) HISTORY The iippccoonnffiigg command first appeared in Mac OS X Version 10.0 Public Beta. Mac OS X July 14, 2004 Mac OS X

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