Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ioreg

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ioreg

IOREG(8) BSD System Manager's Manual IOREG(8)


iioorreegg - show I/O Kit registry


iioorreegg [-bbffiillrrssSSttxx] [-cc class] [-dd depth] [-kk key] [-nn name] [-pp plane]

[-ww width]


iioorreegg displays the I/O Kit registry. It shows the heirarchical registry

structure as an inverted tree. The provider-client relationships among

those objects is shown as follows:

+-o provider


+-o client

By default, object properties are not shown. The use of the -cc, -kk, -ll,

or -nn options cause iioorreegg to show properties for objects that match the

specified criteria.

By supplying the -rr option, the user may specify the object which will

appear at the root of the tree with the -cc, -kk, or -nn options. If root

matches more than one object, multiple trees will be displayed. The options are as follows:

-bb Show the object name in bold.

-cc Show the object properties only if the object is an instance of, or

derives from, the specified C++ class (e.g. IOService).

-dd Limit tree traversal to the specified depth. The depth limit is

applied with respect to each subtree root individually. Therefore, supplying a depth of 1 will cause iioorreegg to display only (sub)tree root nodes; children will not be shown.

-ff Enable smart formatting. iioorreegg knows how to format certain proper-

ties so that the output is more readable and meaningful, decoding data fields where appropriate. Currently supported are `reg',

`assigned-addresses', `slot-names', `ranges', `interrupt-map',

`interrupt-parent`, and `interrupts'.

-ii Show the object inheritance.

-kk Show the object properties only if the object has the specified

key. Substrings do not match; the specified key must be a full property name.

-ll Show properties for all displayed objects.

-nn Show the object properties only if the object has the specified

name. The object location, if any, is considered part of the name, thus pci@f0000000 and pci@f4000000 are distinct names.

-pp Traverse the registry over the specified plane. The default plane

value is ``IOService''. The other planes, such as ``IODevice-

Tree'', can be found under the ``IORegistryPlanes'' property of the

root object (ioreg -d 1 -k IORegistryPlanes).

-rr Show subtrees rooted by objects that match the specified criteria.

If none of -cc, -kk, or -nn are supplied, -rr has no effect.

-ss Show the object state (busy state, retain count). This is the


-SS Don't show the object state (busy state, retain count).

-tt Show tree location of each subtree. This option causes iioorreegg to

display all nodes between the I/O Kit Root and the root of the dis-

played subtree, i.e. the subtree's parent, grandparent, etc.

-ww Clip the output to the specified line width. The default width

value is the current screen size. A value of 0 specifies an unlim-

ited line width.

-xx Show data and numbers as hexadecimal.

Darwin June 3, 2005 Darwin

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