Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man instruments

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man instruments

instruments(1) BSD General Commands Manual instruments(1)


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instruments [-t template] [-d document] [-l timeLimit] [-i #] [-w device]

[[-p pid] | [-a application [-e variable value] [-g argument]]]


Runs an Instruments template from the command line. Options are :

-t template

The path to the template to run

-s Show list of known templates and exit

-d document

The path to save the trace document data to (This may already exist, in which case a new Run will be added)

-l # The limit of milliseconds to record until termination ( infinite

is default )

-i # The index of the instrument to apply the following target data

to ( default if missing )

-p pid The ID of the process to attach to

-a application

The path to the application or command to launch

-w hardware device

The identifier of the hardware to target

-e variable value

An environment variable setting (You may specify more than one)

-g argument

Command line argument to be sent to the launched process (You may specify more than one)

-v Turn on verbose logging


/usr/bin/instruments Executable


/Developer/Applications/ may be used to perform trace exe-

cutions in a graphical environment and may also be used to open trace

documents created in either instruments or


instruments -t mytemplate -a

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