iinnssttrr, iinnnnssttrr, wwiinnssttrr, wwiinnnnssttrr, mmvviinnssttrr, mmvviinnnnssttrr, mmvvwwiinnssttrr, mmvvwwiinnnnssttrr- get a string of characters from a ccuurrsseess window
##iinncclluuddee <
iinntt iinnssttrr((cchhaarr **ssttrr));; iinntt iinnnnssttrr((cchhaarr **ssttrr,, iinntt nn));; iinntt wwiinnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, cchhaarr **ssttrr));; iinntt wwiinnnnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, cchhaarr **ssttrr,, iinntt nn));; iinntt mmvviinnssttrr((iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, cchhaarr **ssttrr));; iinntt mmvviinnnnssttrr((iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, cchhaarr **ssttrr,, iinntt nn));; iinntt mmvvwwiinnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, cchhaarr **ssttrr));; iinntt mmvvwwiinnnnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, cchhaarr **ssttrr,, iinntt nn));;> DESCRIPTION
These routines return a string of characters in str, extracted starting at the current cursor position in the named window. Attributes are stripped from the characters. The four functions with n as the lastargument return a leading substring at most n characters long (exclu-
sive of the trailing NUL). RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEEAll of the functions return EERRRR upon failure, or the number of charac-
ters actually read into the string. X/Open defines no error conditions. In this implementation, if the window parameter is null or the str parameter is null, a zero is returned. NNOOTTEESS Note that all routines except wwiinnnnssttrr may be macros. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY SVr4 does not document whether a length limit includes or excludes the trailing NUL. The ncurses library extends the XSI description by allowing a negative value for n. In this case, the functions return the string ending at the right margin.SEE ALSO