Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man img-sun

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man img-sun

img-sun(n) img-sun(n)


img-sun - Img, Sun Raster Format (sun)


package require TTkk package require iimmgg::::ssuunn ??11..33?? iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee pphhoottoo ?name? ?options?


The package iimmgg::::ssuunn is a sub-package of IImmgg. It can be loaded as a

part of the complete Img support, via ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree IImmgg, or on its own, via ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree iimmgg::::ssuunn. Like all packages of IImmgg it does not provide new commands, but extends the existing TTkk command iimmaaggee so that it supports files containing raster images in the Sun Raster Format (sun). More specifically iimmgg::::ssuunn extends TTkk's pphhoottoo image type. The name of the new format handler is ssuunn. This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section SSUUNN OOPPTTIIOONNSS for more detailed explanations. All of the above means that in a call like iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee pphhoottoo ?name? ?options?

[1] Image data in sun format (options -ddaattaa and -ffiillee) is detected


[2] The format name ssuunn is recognized by the option -ffoorrmmaatt. In

addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section SSUUNN OOPPTTIIOONNSS. SSUUPPPPOORRTTEEDD SSUUNN TTYYPPEESS

1-bit pixels: Black and White.

8-bit pixels: Grayscale or indexed.

24-bit pixels: True-color (RGB, each channel 8 bit).

32-bit pixels: True-color with alpha channel (RGBA, each channel 8 bit).

List of currently supported features: Type | Read | Write |

| -file | -data | -file | -data |


1-bit | Yes | Yes | No | No |

8-bit | Yes | Yes | No | No |

24-bit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |

32-bit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |

All images types may be either uncompressed or run-length encoded.

SSUUNN OOPPTTIIOONNSS The handler provides the following options:

-vveerrbboossee bool

This option is supported for reading and writing. If set to ttrruuee, additional information about the loaded/stored image is printed to stdout. Default is ffaallssee.

-ccoommpprreessssiioonn type

This option is supported for writing only. Set the compression mode to either nnoonnee or rrllee. Default is rrllee.

-mmaattttee bool

This option is supported for reading and writing.

If set to ffaallssee, a matte (alpha) channel is ignored during read-

ing or writing. Default is ttrruuee.


img-bmp, img-gif, img-ico, img-intro, img-jpeg, img-pcx, img-pixmap,

img-png, img-ppm, img-ps, img-sgi, img-sun, img-tga, img-tiff, img-win-

dow, img-xbm, img-xpm

KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS image handling, sun, tk COPYRIGHT

Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Jan Nijtmans

Img 1.3 img-sun(n)

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