Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man img-ps

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man img-ps

img-ps(n) img-ps(n)


img-ps - Img, Adobe PostScript Format (ps)


package require TTkk package require iimmgg::::ppss ??11..33?? iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee pphhoottoo ?name? ?options?


The package iimmgg::::ppss is a sub-package of IImmgg. It can be loaded as a part

of the complete Img support, via ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree IImmgg, or on its own, via ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree iimmgg::::ppss. Like all packages of IImmgg it does not provide new commands, but extends the existing TTkk command iimmaaggee so that it supports files containing raster images in the Adobe PostScript Format (ps). More specifically iimmgg::::ppss extends TTkk's pphhoottoo image type. The name of the new format handler is ppss. This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section PPoossttSSccrriipptt OOPPTTIIOONNSS for more detailed explanations. Note that this package provides a ppddff handler too, i.e. a handler for the Adobe Portable Document Format. That handler accepts the same options as the ppss handler. The package delegates the actual conversion of data in PostScript and PDF format into a raster image to the gghhoossttssccrriipptt application. It

therefore depends upon the presence of said application and is non-

functional is gghhoossttssccrriipptt is not present. All of the above means that in a call like iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee pphhoottoo ?name? ?options?

[1] Image data in ps and PDF format (options -ddaattaa and -ffiillee) is

detected automatically.

[2] The format names ppss and ppddff are recognized by the option -ffoorr-

mmaatt. In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section PPoossttSSccrriipptt OOPPTTIIOONNSS. PPoossttSSccrriipptt OOPPTTIIOONNSS

The handler provides two options, both influencing the reading of Post-

Script or PDF images. The handler is not able to write images in Post-

Script or PDF.

-iinnddeexx n

This option is for reading from PostScript/PDF data containing more than one page. When specified it will read the n'th page in the data. The first page is at index 00 and will be read by default, i.e. when the option is not specified. Note: This option is not yet implemented.

-zzoooomm X Y

Multiply image size by the given scale factors. If Y is missing, the default is the same as X. X and Y are allowed to be in

floating point format, but they are rounded to the nearest prac-

tically possible value. For postscript this means the zoom fac-

tors should be multiples of 1/72. RREEQQUUIIRREEMMEENNTTSS

The code provided by Img does not perform the interpretation and ras-

terizing of the input by itself but delegates this to the ggss applica-

tion. This is the GhostScript implementation of PostScript (and PDF). If ggss is not installed this format handler cannot be used.


img-bmp, img-gif, img-ico, img-intro, img-jpeg, img-pcx, img-pixmap,

img-png, img-ppm, img-ps, img-sgi, img-sun, img-tga, img-tiff, img-win-

dow, img-xbm, img-xpm

KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS ghostscript, gs, image handling, pdf, postscript, ps, tk COPYRIGHT

Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Jan Nijtmans

Img 1.3 img-ps(n)

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