img-pixmap - Img, Pixmap Image type (pixmap)
package require TTkk package require iimmgg::::ppiixxmmaapp ??11..33?? iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee ppiixxmmaapp ?name? ?options? imageName ooppttiioonn ?arg arg ...? imageName ccggeett option imageName ccoonnffiigguurree ?ooppttiioonn? ?value option value ...?DESCRIPTION
The package iimmgg::::ppiixxmmaapp is a sub-package of IImmgg. It can be loaded as a
part of the complete Img support, via ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree IImmgg, or on its own, via ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree iimmgg::::ppiixxmmaapp. Like all packages of IImmgg it does not provide new commands, but extends the existing TTkk command iimmaaggee. In contrast to all other sub packages this packages does not extend TTkk's pphhoottoo image type, but rather provides a completely new image type, on the same level as pphhoottoo and bbiittmmaapp. CCRREEAATTIINNGG PPIIXXMMAAPPSS Like all images, pixmaps are created using the iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee command. iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee ppiixxmmaapp ?name? ?options? Pixmaps support the following options:-ddaattaa string
Specifies the contents of the source pixmap as a string. The string must adhere to X11 pixmap format (e.g., asgenerated by the pixmap program). If both the -ddaattaa and
-ffiillee options are specified, the -ddaattaa option takes
precedence.-ffiillee name
name gives the name of a file whose contents define the source pixmap. The file must adhere to X11 pixmap format (e.g., as generated by the pixmap program). IIMMAAGGEE CCOOMMMMAANNDD When a pixmap image is created, Tk also creates a new com^A mand whosename is the same as the image. This command may be used to invoke var-
ious operations on the image. It has the following general form: imageName ooppttiioonn ?arg arg ...? Option n te rs eemn te xc bhvo o te omn. The following commands are possible for pixmap images: imageName ccggeett option Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee ppiixxmmaapp command. imageName ccoonnffiigguurree ?ooppttiioonn? ?value option value ...? Query or modify the configuration options for the image. If nooption is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
able options for imageName (see TTkkCCoonnffiigguurreeIInnffoo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one namedoption (this list will be identi^A cal to the corresponding sub-
list of the value returned if no option is specified). If oneor more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modi-
fies the given option(s) to have the given value(s); in this ae h cmad eun a epy tig Option my ae n o the values accepted by the iimmaaggee ccrreeaattee ppiixxmmaapp command.SEE ALSO
img-bmp, img-gif, img-ico, img-intro, img-jpeg, img-pcx, img-pixmap,
img-png, img-ppm, img-ps, img-sgi, img-sun, img-tga, img-tiff, img-win-
dow, img-xbm, img-xpm
KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS image handling, pixmap, tk COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 1995-2003 Jan Nijtmans
Img 1.3 img-pixmap(n)