Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man idmap_odsam

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man idmap_odsam



idmapodsam - Open Directory ID mapping backend for winbindd


The idmapodsam plugin is the default backend used by Mac OS X for map-

ping SIDs and user and group IDs using Open Directory. It implements both the "idmap" and "idmap alloc" APIs. idmapodsam should always be used in conjunction with the odsam passdb backend. IIDDMMAAPP OOPPTTIIOONNSS odsam: msglevel = LEVEL LEVEL is the integer log level at which idmapodsam should emit

log messages. The lower LEVEL is, the more verbose the log mes-

sages. odsam: traceall = BOOL If this is true, idmapodsam will emit log messages for all Open Directory calls. If it is false (the default), it will only log errors. IIDDMMAAPP AALLLLOOCC OOPPTTIIOONNSS The idmapodsam does not allocate any mappings. On Mac OS X, all SID mappings should be made by modifying the appropriate Open Directory record. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS [global] idmap domain = default idmap config default:default = yes idmap config default:backend = odsam idmap alloc backend = odsam passdb backend = odsam

odsam: msglevel = 0 # Log at debugging levels

odsam: traceall = no # Do not trace Open Directory calls


Please report bugs to Apple.


DirectoryService(8), smb.conf(5), winbindd(8) IDMAPODSAM(8)

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