Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ibtool

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ibtool

ibtool(1) ibtool(1)


iibbttooooll - verifies, updates, and prints Interface Builder documents.


iibbttooooll [[ooppttiioonnss]] document


iibbttooooll verifies, updates, and prints the contents of an Interface Builder document, generating its output in standard plist format. The tool follows a "read", "modify", "write", "print" order of operations that is represented by the order of the options below. OOPPTTIIOONNSS SSppeecciiffyyiinngg iinnppuutt::

--bbuunnddllee bundlePath

Load the bundle located at bundlePath.

--pplluuggiinn pluginPath

Load the plug-in located at pluginPath.

--pplluuggiinn-ddiirr pluginPath

Load all valid plug-ins found in the first level of pluginPath.


--pprreevviioouuss-ffiillee previousFile

Specifies the Interface Builder document from the previous

developement iteration for the purpose of incremental localiza-


--iinnccrreemmeennttaall-ffiillee incrementalFile

Specifies the Interface Builder document from which to take prior localizations during incremental localizations.

incrementalFile will often be the translated version of the doc-

ument specified with --pprreevviioouuss-ffiillee.


Consolidate the structural and localization changes between the input document, the document specified by previousFile, and the document specified by incrementalFile, writing the resulting

document to the path specified by --wwrriittee. When specifying this

option, one MUST provide a --pprreevviioouuss-ffiillee and an --iinnccrreemmeennttaall-

ffiillee. IImmppoorrttiinngg::

--iimmppoorrtt plist

Apply the property values specified in plist to the object in the Interface Builder document with the matching object ID.

plist should be a plist in the format produced by --eexxppoorrtt, only

with the dictionary containing the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuu-

mmeenntt..eexxppoorrtt removed from surrounding the object IDs. Note that setting a property in this manner may not actually modify the

value of the property, or conversely may alter additional prop-

erties. Often, the input to this option is a modified version

of the output from --eexxppoorrtt. Combine this option with --wwrriittee in

order to produce an Interface Builder document with the modified property values.

--ssttrriinnggss-ffiillee stringsFile

Specifies the strings file, in the format generated by ggeenneerraattee-

ssttrriinnggss-ffiillee, from which to take string localizations.


--ccoonnvveerrtt old-new

Rename the class named 'old' to 'new'. If 'old' ends with an '*', then rename all classes beginning with 'old' to instead begin with 'new'. This Updates all outlet types, class names, custom classes, as well as actual instances.


Upgrade the input Interface Builder document to the latest docu-

ment type. If the output path is not specified by --wwrriittee, the

upgraded document will be written to the input path. CCoommppiilliinngg::

--ccoommppiillee path

Compile the input file and write it to the specified path. SSppeecciiffyyiinngg oouuttppuutt::

--wwrriittee path

Write the resulting Interface Builder document to the specified path. EExxppoorrttiinngg::

--eexxppoorrtt plist

For each object in the Interface Builder document, export the union of the properties specified in plist for each class listed in plist of which the object is either a member, or a member of

a descending class. plist should be a plist composed of a dic-

tionary with class names for keys, and arrays of property key

paths for values. The output is a plist composed of a dictio-

nary under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..eexxppoorrtt, where each key is an object ID, and each value is a dictionary of property key paths to their corresponding value. If a key in the second

level dictionary begins with a '.', it isn't a key path. Cur-

rently, the only special key is ".nilKeypaths", which identifies an array of key paths whose value was nil.

An example of the plist format expected for the -export command

follows; this sample will export the 'title' property of any NSCell in the given document.

NSCell title PPrriinnttiinngg FFiillee CCoonntteennttss::

--ggeenneerraattee-ssttrriinnggss-ffiillee stringsfile

Extract the localizable strings from the Interface Builder

document into stringsfile in the format expected by --ssttrriinnggss-



Include document warning messages in ibtool's plist output.

Warnings will appear under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..wwaarrnniinnggss, with messages listed under the subkey mmeessssaaggee and warning types under the subkey ttyyppee.


Include document error messages in ibtool's plist output.

Errors will appear under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..eerrrroorrss, with messages listed under the subkey mmeessssaaggee and error types under the subkey ttyyppee.


Include document notice messages in ibtool's plist output.

Notices will appear under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..nnoottiicceess, with messages listed under the subkey mmeessssaaggee and error types under the subkey ttyyppee.


Include the document's non-empty localizable strings in ibtool's

plist output. The localizable strings are output as a dictio-

nary under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..llooccaalliizzaabbllee-

ssttrriinnggss, where the keys are the object ids for objects with localizable strings, and the values are dictionaries of property names and their associated localizable strings. Empty strings are ignored.


Include the document's localizable geometry in ibtool's plist

output. The localizable geometry is output as a dictionary

under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..llooccaalliizzaabbllee-ggeeoommeettrryy,

where the keys are the object ids for objects with localizable geometry, and the values are dictionaries of property names and a plist representation of that geometry.


Include the document's localizable attributes, other than

strings and geometry, in ibtool's plist output. These

attributes are output as a dictionary under the key

ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..llooccaalliizzaabbllee-ootthheerr, where the keys are

the object ids for objects with the localizable attributes, and the values are dictionaries of localizable property names and their associated values.


Include all the document's localizable attributes in ibtool's

plist output. The localizable attributes are output as a dic-

tionary under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..llooccaalliizzaabbllee-aallll,

where the keys are the objects ids of the objects with localiz-

able properties, and the values are the union of the properties

returned by --llooccaalliizzaabbllee-ssttrriinnggss, --llooccaalliizzaabbllee-ggeeoommeettrryy, and



Include the document's objects in ibtool's plist output. The

objects are output as a dictionary under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..oobbjjeeccttss, where the keys are the object ids, and the values are the associated object's properties.


Include the document's hierarchy in ibtool's plist output. The

hierarchy is output as a nested array of dictionaries under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..hhiieerraarrcchhyy with the subkeys oobbjjeeccttIIDD, llaabbeell, nnaammee, cchhiillddrreenn, and ccuussttoommCCllaassss.


Include the document's connections in ibtool's plist output.

The connections are output as a dictionary under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss, where the keys are the

object ids, and the values are dictionaries including the sub-

keys ttyyppee, llaabbeell, ssoouurrccee-iidd, ssoouurrccee-llaabbeell, ddeessttiinnaattiioonn-iidd, and



Include the document's classes in ibtool's plist output. The

classes are output as a dictionary under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..ccllaasssseess, where the keys are the class names, and the values are dictionaries including the subkeys aaccttiioonnss, oouuttlleettss, ssuuppeerrccllaassss, and ccllaassss.


Print the version of IB/System Version used when this Interface

Builder document was last saved. The version history informa-

tion is output under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..ddooccuummeenntt..vveerrssiioonn-

hhiissttoorryy with the subkey iinntteerrffaaccee-bbuuiillddeerr-vveerrssiioonn.

--aallll Include all the information listed above in ibtool's plist out-

put. ''AAggeenntt'' UUssaaggee

-agentname NAME

Use a named instance of ibtool to act as a server. If no such

server exists, create one. It is advantageous to use named agent

when invoking ibtool multiple times in quick succession, since

ibtool's setup time can be amortized across several invocation

of the tool. Note that there will be a penalty paid for starting

the agent, so not recommended for one-off invocations of the


--aaggeenntt-ttiimmeeoouutt nn

The number of seconds after handling a request the named agent should wait for another request before quitting. VVeerrssiioonn IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::


Print the version of ibtool. The version information is output

under the key ccoomm..aappppllee..iibbttooooll..vveerrssiioonn with the subkeys bbuunnddllee-

vveerrssiioonn and sshhoorrtt-bbuunnddllee-vveerrssiioonn.


iibbttooooll --ggeenneerraattee-ssttrriinnggss-ffiillee ffiillee..ssttrriinnggss ffiillee..nniibb

ibtool will output a strings file containing all of file.nib's

localizable strings.

iibbttooooll --pprreevviioouuss-ffiillee oorriigg..nniibb --iinnccrreemmeennttaall-ffiillee ttrraannss..nniibb --llooccaall-

iizzee-iinnccrreemmeennttaall --wwrriittee nneewwTTrraannss..nniibb mmoodd..nniibb

ibtool will leverage orig.nib against changes in mod.nib and

localizations from trans.nib, and write the new translated nib.

iibbttooooll --pprreevviioouuss-ffiillee oorriigg..nniibb --iinnccrreemmeennttaall-ffiillee ttrraannss..nniibb --ssttrriinnggss-

ffiillee ssttrr..ssttrriinnggss --llooccaalliizzee-iinnccrreemmeennttaall mmoodd..nniibb --wwrriittee nneewwTTrraannss..nniibb

ibtool will execute in the same manner as above, but will apply

the strings from str.strings before writing the document.

iibbttooooll --wwaarrnniinnggss --eerrrroorrss --nnoottiicceess ffiillee..nniibb >> aalleerrttss..pplliisstt

alerts.plist will contain all warning, error, and notice mes-

sages from file.nib.

iibbttooooll --pplluuggiinn ppaatthh//ttoo//ssoommee..pplluuggiinn --llooccaalliizzaabbllee-ggeeoommeettrryy ffiillee..nniibb

ibtool will load some.plugin and output a plist of all localiz-

able geometry in file.nib.

iibbttooooll --ccoonnvveerrtt oollddNNaammee-nneewwNNaammee ffiillee..nniibb

ibtool will change all classes with the exact name "oldName" to

be named "newName" instead.

iibbttooooll --ccoonnvveerrtt OOlldd''**''-NNeeww ffiillee

ibtool will change all classes with names beginning with "Old",

such as "OldName", "OldClassName", and "OldClass", to instead begin with "New". For example, the previously mentioned classes would be changed to "NewName", "NewClassName", and "NewClass", respectively.

iibbttooooll --eexxppoorrtt eexxppoorrtt..pplliisstt ffiillee..nniibb

ibtool will export properties specified in the export.plist, and

output a plist mapping Object IDs to property values.

iibbttooooll --aaggeenntt-nnaammee CCMMPPAAggeenntt --aaggeenntt-ttiimmeeoouutt 3300 --aallll ffiillee..nniibb

ibtool will start (or use if already running) an agent named

CMPAgent to get the results of -all from file.nib. If this

invocation of ibtool is starting the agent, the agent will live

for 30 seconds after handling the last request sent to it.



Apple Inc. Mar 22 2007 ibtool(1)

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