html - Procedures to generate HTML structures
package require TTccll 88..22 package require hhttmmll ??11..22..22?? ::::hhttmmll::::aauutthhoorr author ::::hhttmmll::::bbooddyyTTaagg args ::::hhttmmll::::cceellll param value ?tag? ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkbbooxx name value ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkSSeett key sep list ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkVVaalluuee name ?value? ::::hhttmmll::::cclloosseeTTaagg ::::hhttmmll::::ddeeffaauulltt key ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::ddeessccrriippttiioonn description ::::hhttmmll::::eenndd ::::hhttmmll::::eevvaall arg ?args? ::::hhttmmll::::eexxttrraaccttPPaarraamm param key ?varName? ::::hhttmmll::::ffoonntt args ::::hhttmmll::::ffoorr start test next body ::::hhttmmll::::ffoorreeaacchh varlist1 list1 ?varlist2 list2 ...? body ::::hhttmmll::::ffoorrmmVVaalluuee name ?defvalue? ::::hhttmmll::::ggeettFFoorrmmIInnffoo args ::::hhttmmll::::ggeettTTiittllee ::::hhttmmll::::hh level string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hh11 string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hh22 string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hh33 string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hh44 string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hh55 string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hh66 string ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::hhddrrRRooww args ::::hhttmmll::::hheeaadd title ::::hhttmmll::::hheeaaddTTaagg string ::::hhttmmll::::iiff expr1 body1 ?eellsseeiiff expr2 body2 ...? ?eellssee bodyN? ::::hhttmmll::::kkeeyywwoorrddss args ::::hhttmmll::::mmaaiillttoo email ?subject? ::::hhttmmll::::mmeettaa args ::::hhttmmll::::mmiinnoorrMMeennuu list ?sep? ::::hhttmmll::::mmiinnoorrLLiisstt list ?ordered? ::::hhttmmll::::ooppeennTTaagg tag args ::::hhttmmll::::ppaasssswwoorrddIInnppuutt ?name? ::::hhttmmll::::ppaasssswwoorrddIInnppuuttRRooww label ?name? ::::hhttmmll::::qquuootteeFFoorrmmVVaalluuee value ::::hhttmmll::::rraaddiiooSSeett key sep list ::::hhttmmll::::rraaddiiooVVaalluuee name value ::::hhttmmll::::rreeffrreesshh seconds url ::::hhttmmll::::iinniitt ?list? ::::hhttmmll::::rrooww args ::::hhttmmll::::ppaarraammRRooww list ?rparam? ?cparam? ::::hhttmmll::::sseelleecctt name param choices ?current? ::::hhttmmll::::sseelleeccttPPllaaiinn name param choices ?current? ::::hhttmmll::::ssuubbmmiitt label ?name? ::::hhttmmll::::sseett var val ::::hhttmmll::::ttaabblleeFFrroommAArrrraayy arrname ?param? ?pat? ::::hhttmmll::::ttaabblleeFFrroommLLiisstt querylist ?param? ::::hhttmmll::::tteexxttaarreeaa name ?param? ?current? ::::hhttmmll::::tteexxttIInnppuutt name value args ::::hhttmmll::::tteexxttIInnppuuttRRooww label name value args ::::hhttmmll::::ttiittllee title ::::hhttmmll::::vvaarrEEmmppttyy name ::::hhttmmll::::wwhhiillee test bodyDESCRIPTION
The package hhttmmll provides commands that generate HTML. These commands typically return an HTML string as their result. In particular, they do not output their result to ssttddoouutt.The command ::::hhttmmll::::iinniitt should be called early to initialize the mod-
ule. You can also use this procedure to define default values for HTML tag parameters. ::::hhttmmll::::aauutthhoorr author Side effect only. Call this before ::::hhttmmll::::hheeaadd to define an author for the page. The author is noted in a comment in the HEAD section. ::::hhttmmll::::bbooddyyTTaagg args Generate a BODY tag. The tag parameters are taken from args or from the body.* attributes define with ::::hhttmmll::::iinniitt. ::::hhttmmll::::cceellll param value ?tag? Generate a TD (or TH) tag, a value, and a closing TD (or TH) tag. The tag parameters come from param or TD.* attributes defined with ::::hhttmmll::::iinniitt. This uses ::::hhttmmll::::ffoonntt to insert a standard FONT tag into the table cell. The tag argument defaults to "td". ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkbbooxx name value Generate a CHECKBOX form element with the specified name and value. This uses ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkVVaalluuee. ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkSSeett key sep list Generate a set of CHECKBOX form elements and associated labels.The list should contain an alternating list of labels and val-
ues. This uses ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkbbooxx. ::::hhttmmll::::cchheecckkVVaalluuee name ?value? Generate the "name=name value=value for a CHECKBOX form element. If the CGI variable name has the value value, then SELECTED is added to the return value. value defaults to "1". ::::hhttmmll::::cclloosseeTTaagg Pop a tag off the stack created by ::::hhttmmll::::ooppeennTTaagg and generate the corresponding close tag (e.g., /BODY). ::::hhttmmll::::ddeeffaauulltt key ?param? This procedure is used by ::::hhttmmll::::ttaaggPPaarraamm to generate the name,value list of parameters for a tag. The ::::hhttmmll::::ddeeffaauulltt proce-
dure is used to generate default values for those items not already in param. If the value identified by key matches a value in param then this procedure returns the empty string.Otherwise, it returns a "parameter=value" string for a form ele-
ment identified by key. The key has the form "tag.parameter"(e.g., body.bgcolor). Use ::::hhttmmll::::iinniitt to register default val-
ues. param defaults to the empty string. ::::hhttmmll::::ddeessccrriippttiioonn description Side effect only. Call this before ::::hhttmmll::::hheeaadd to define a description META tag for the page. This tag is generated later in the call to ::::hhttmmll::::hheeaadd. ::::hhttmmll::::eenndd Pop all open tags from the stack and generate the correspondingclose HTML tags, (e.g.,