grog - guess options for groff command
ggrroogg [ -option ... ] [ files ... ]
ggrroogg reads files and guesses which of the ggrrooffff(1) options -ee, -mmaann,
-mmee, -mmmm, -mmoomm, -mmss, -mmddoocc,, -mmddoocc-oolldd,, -pp, -RR, -gg, -GG, -ss, and -tt are
required for printing files, and prints the groff command includingthose options on the standard output. A filename of - is taken to
refer to the standard input. If no files are specified the standard input will be read. Any specified options will be included in theprinted command. No space is allowed between options and their argu-
ments. The only options recognized are -CC (which is also passed on) to
enable compatibility mode, and -vv to print the version number.
For example,``ggrroogg -TTddvvii ppaappeerr..mmss``
will guess the appropriate command to print ppaappeerr..mmss and then run itafter adding the -TTddvvii option.
ddooccttyyppee(1), ggrrooffff(1), ttrrooffff(1), ttbbll(1), ppiicc(1), eeqqnn(1), rreeffeerr(1), ggrrnn(1), ggrraapp(1), ssooeelliimm(1) Groff Version 1.19.1 18 March 2003 GROG(1)