ggpptt - GUID partition table maintenance utility
ggpptt [generaloptions] command [commandoptions] device ...DESCRIPTION
The ggpptt utility provides the necessary functionality to manipulate GUIDpartition tables (GPTs), but see BUGS below for how and where functional-
ity is missing. The basic usage model of the ggpptt tool follows that of the cvs(1) tool. The general options are described in the following paragraph. The remaining paragraphs describe the individual commands with their options. Here we conclude by mentioning that a device iseither a special file corresponding to a disk-like device or a regular
file. The command is applied to each device listed on the command line. General OptionsThe general options allow the user to change default settings or other-
wise change the behaviour that is applicable to all commands. Not all commands use all default settings, so some general options may not have an effect on all commands.The -pp count option allows the user to change the number of partitions
the GPT can accommodate. This is used whenever a new GPT is created. Bydefault, the ggpptt utility will create space for 128 partitions (or 32 sec-
tors of 512 bytes).The -rr option causes the ggpptt utility to open the device for reading only.
Currently this option is primarily useful for the sshhooww command, but theintent is to use it to implement dry-run behaviour.
The -vv option controls the verbosity level. The level increases with
every occurrence of this option. There is no formalized definition of the different levels yet. CCoommmmaannddssggpptt aadddd [-bb number] [-ii index] [-ss count] [-tt type] device ...
The aadddd command allows the user to add a new partition to anexisting table. By default, it will create an HFS partition cov-
ering the first available block of an unused disk space. Thecommand-specific options can be used to control this behaviour.
The -bb number option allows the user to specify the starting
(beginning) sector number of the partition. The minimum sector number is 1, but has to fall inside an unused region of disk space that is covered by the GPT.The -ii index option allows the user to specify which (free) entry
in the GPT table is to be used for the new partition. By default, the first free entry is selected.The -ss count option allows the user to specify the size of the
partition in sectors. The minimum size is 1.The -tt type option allows the user to specify the partition type.
The type is given as an UUID, but ggpptt accepts eeffii, hhffss, lliinnuuxx and wwiinnddoowwss as aliases for the most commonly used partition types.ggpptt ccrreeaattee [-ffpp] device ...
The ccrreeaattee command allows the user to create a new (empty) GPT. By default, one cannot create a GPT when the device contains aMBR, however this can be overridden with the -ff option. If the
-ff option is specified, an existing MBR is destroyed and any par-
titions described by the MBR are lost.The -pp option tells ggpptt to create only the primary table and not
the backup table. This option is only useful for debugging and should not be used otherwise.ggpptt ddeessttrrooyy [-rr] device ...
The ddeessttrrooyy command allows the user to destroy an existing, pos-
sibly not empty GPT.The -rr option instructs ggpptt to destroy the table in a way that it
can be recovered.ggpptt llaabbeell [-aa] <-ff file | -ll label> device ...
ggpptt llaabbeell [-bb number] [-ii index] [-ss count] [-tt type] <-ff file | -ll
label> device ... The llaabbeell command allows the user to label any partitions that match the selection. At least one of the following selection options must be specified.The -aa option specifies that all partitions should be labeled.
It is mutually exclusive with all other selection options.The -bb number option selects the partition that starts at the
given block number.The -ii index option selects the partition with the given parti-
tion number.The -ss count option selects all partitions that have the given
size. This can cause multiple partitions to be removed.The -tt type option selects all partitions that have the given
type. The type is given as an UUID or by the aliases that the aadddd command accepts. This can cause multiple partitions to be removed.The -ff file or -ll label options specify the new label to be
assigned to the selected partitions. The -ff file option is used
to read the label from the specified file. Only the first line is read from the file and the trailing newline character isstripped. If the file name is the dash or minus sign (-), the
label is read from the standard input. The -ll label option is
used to specify the label in the command line. The label isassumed to be encoded in UTF-8.
ggpptt rreemmoovvee [-aa] device ...
ggpptt rreemmoovvee [-bb number] [-ii index] [-ss count] [-tt type] device ...
The rreemmoovvee command allows the user to remove any and all parti-
tions that match the selection. It uses the same selection options as the llaabbeell command. See above for a description of these options. Partitions are removed by clearing the partition type. No other information is changed.ggpptt sshhooww [-ll] device ...
The sshhooww command displays the current partitioning on the listed devices and gives an overall view of the disk contents. With the-ll option the GPT partition label will be displayed instead of
the GPT partition type. The option has no effect on non-GPT par-
titions.SEE ALSO
fdisk(8), mount(8), newfs(8), pdisk(8) HISTORY The ggpptt utility appeared in FreeBSD 5.0 for ia64.BUGS
The development of the ggpptt utility is still work in progress. Many nec-
essary features are missing or partially implemented. In practice thismeans that the manual page, supposed to describe these features, is far-
ther removed from being complete or useful. As such, missing functional-
ity is not even documented as missing. However, it is believed that the currently present functionality is reliable and stable enough that thistool can be used without bullet-proof footware if one thinks one does not
make mistakes.It is expected that the basic usage model does not change, but it is pos-
sible that future versions will not be compatible in the strictest senseof the word. For example, the -pp count option may be changed to a com-
mand option rather than a generic option. There are only two commands that use it so there is a chance that the natural tendency for people is to use it as a command option. Also, options primarily intended for diagnostic or debug purposes may be removed in future versions. Another possibility is that the current usage model is accompanied byother interfaces to make the tool usable as a back-end. This all depends
on demand and thus feedback. BSD June 22, 2006 BSD