Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man gimpprint-mediasources

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man gimpprint-mediasources



gimpprint-mediasources - Gimp-Print media sources


Gimp-Print supports many different media sources, which vary according

to the specific capabilities of each printer model. The available media sources are listed below. MMEEDDIIAA SSOOUURRCCEESS EEppssoonn pprriinntteerrss Media Source Description


SSttaannddaarrdd Standard RRoollll Roll Feed (for certain Stylus Photo and Stylus Pro models only) CCaannoonn pprriinntteerrss Media Source Description


AAuuttoo Auto Sheet Feeder MMaannuuaall Manual with Pause MMaannuuaallNNPP Manual without Pause

PPCCLL ((HHeewwlleetttt-PPaacckkaarrdd aanndd LLeexxmmaarrkk 44007766)) pprriinntteerrss

Different printers allow different choices out of this set. Media Source Description


SSttaannddaarrdd Standard (Feed from printer defined source) MMaannuuaall Manual MMuullttiiPPuurrppoossee Tray 1 UUppppeerr Tray 2 LLoowweerr Tray 3 LLaarrggeeCCaappaacciittyy Tray 4 PPoorrttaabbllee Portable Sheet Feeder DDeesskkttoopp Desktop Sheet Feeder TTrraayy Tray TTrraayy22 Tray 2 Optional pinl ore AAuuttoo Autoselect LLeexxmmaarrkk pprriinntteerrss ((ootthheerr tthhaann tthhee 44007766)) Media Source Description


AAuuttoo Auto Sheet Feeder MMaannuuaall Manual with Pause MMaannuuaallNNPP Manual without Pause COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Sweet ( and Robert Krawitz ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This manual page was written by Roger Leigh (


ggiimmpppprriinntt-ccoolloorr(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-ddiitthheerrss(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-iimmaaggeettyyppeess(7),

ggiimmpppprriinntt-iinnkkttyyppeess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmeeddiiaassiizzeess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmeeddii-

aattyyppeess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmooddeellss(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-rreessoolluuttiioonnss(7).

Version 5.0.0-beta2 25 Aug 2004 GIMPPRINT-MEDIASOURCES(7)

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