Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man gimpprint-color

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man gimpprint-color



gimpprint-color - Gimp-Print color balancing


Gimp-Print includes several color balancing controls. These may be

used to adjust the original image's brightness and contrast and gamma, and the density and saturation of the output, as well as the individual cyan, magenta and yellow levels. CCOOLLOORR BBAALLAANNCCIINNGG CCyyaann MMaaggeennttaa

YYeellllooww The range of values is 0.0 - 4.0, and defaults to 1.0. These

three options allow specification of the cyan, magenta, and yel-

low levels independently, for rebalancing the levels. Normally, these should be adjusted to yield neutral gray, but they can be used for other effects. BBrriigghhttnneessss

The range of values is 0.0 - 2.0, and defaults to 1.0. This

adjusts the brightness of the image. 0.0 gives a fully black image; 2.0 gives a fully white image. Values greater than 1 will result in black not being solid and highlights turning

white; values less than 1 will result in white not being per-

fectly clear and shadows turning black. CCoonnttrraasstt

The range of values is 0.0 - 4.0, and defaults to 1.0. Adjust

the contrast of the image. 0.0 gives a solid gray for the

entire image, the exact gray depending upon the brightness cho-


GGaammmmaa The range of values is 0.1 - 4.0, and defaults to 1.0. Adjust

the gamma of the image, over and above the printer-specific cor-

rection. Gamma less than 1.0 will result in a darker image; gamma greater than 1.0 will result in a lighter image. Unlike brightness, gamma adjustment does not change the endpoints; it

merely changes the shape of the input->output curve.


The range of values is 0.1 - 2.0, and defaults to 1.0. Adjust

the amount of ink deposited on the paper. If you've chosen the correct paper type and you're getting ink bleeding through the paper or puddling, try reducing the density to the lowest value

you can while still achieving solid black. If you're not get-

ting solid black, even with the contrast and brightness at 1.0, try increasing the density.

All of the printers supported here actually need less than 100%

ink density in most cases, so the actual density is something other than the nominal density setting. The effective density

setting cannot go above 100%, so if a value specified will

result in an excessively high density level, it will be silently limited to 1.0. SSaattuurraattiioonn

The range of values is 0.0 - 9.0, and defaults to 1.0. Adjust

the brilliance of colors. 0.0 results in pure grayscale; using this with Color=1 is one way of getting grayscale (see below under "Color" for a full discussion). Saturation of less than 1.0 results in more muted colors; saturation of greater than 1.0 results in more vibrant colors. Very high saturation often results in very strange effects, including posterization and banding that might not be expected. For normal purposes, the saturation should generally be less than 1.5. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Sweet ( and Robert Krawitz ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This manual page was written by Roger Leigh (


ggiimmpppprriinntt-ddiitthheerrss(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-iimmaaggeettyyppeess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-iinnkkttyyppeess(7),

ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmeeddiiaassiizzeess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmeeddiiaassoouurrcceess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmeeddii-

aattyyppeess(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-mmooddeellss(7), ggiimmpppprriinntt-rreessoolluuttiioonnss(7).

Version 5.0.0-beta2 25 Aug 2004 GIMPPRINT-COLOR(7)

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