ffoorrmmddrriivveerr - command-processing loop of the form system
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int formdriver(FORM *form, int c);> DESCRIPTION
Once a form has been posted (displayed), you should funnel input events to it through ffoorrmmddrriivveerr. This routine has two major input cases; either the input is a form navigation request or it's a printable ASCII character. The form driver requests are as follows: REQNEXTPAGE Move to the next page. REQPREVPAGE Move to the previous page. REQFIRSTPAGE Move to the first page. REQLASTPAGE Move to the last field. REQNEXTFIELD Move to the next field. REQPREVFIELD Move to the previous field. REQFIRSTFIELD Move to the first field. REQLASTFIELD Move to the last field. REQSNEXTFIELD Move to the sorted next field. REQSPREVFIELD Move to the sorted previous field. REQSFIRSTFIELD Move to the sorted first field. REQSLASTFIELD Move to the sorted last field. REQLEFTFIELD Move left to a field. REQRIGHTFIELD Move right to a field. REQUPFIELD Move up to a field. REQDOWNFIELD Move down to a field. REQNEXTCHAR Move to the next char. REQPREVCHAR Move to the previous char. REQNEXTLINE Move to the next line. REQPREVLINE Move to the previous line. REQNEXTWORD Move to the next word. REQPREVWORD Move to the previous word. REQBEGFIELD Move to the beginning of the field. REQENDFIELD Move to the end of the field. REQBEGLINE Move to the beginning of the line. REQENDLINE Move to the end of the line. REQLEFTCHAR Move left in the field. REQRIGHTCHAR Move right in the field. REQUPCHAR Move up in the field. REQDOWNCHAR Move down in the field. REQNEWLINE Insert or overlay a new line. REQINSCHAR Insert a blank at the cursor. REQINSLINE Insert a blank line at the cursor. REQDELCHAR Delete character at the cursor. REQDELPREV Delete character before the cursor. REQDELLINE Delete line at the cursor. REQDELWORDDelete blank-delimited word at the cursor.
REQCLREOL Clear to end of line from cursor. REQCLREOF Clear to end of field from cursor. REQCLRFIELD Clear the entire field. REQOVLMODE Enter overlay mode. REQINSMODE Enter insert mode. REQSCRFLINE Scroll the field forward a line. REQSCRBLINE Scroll the field backward a line. REQSCRFPAGE Scroll the field forward a page. REQSCRBPAGE Scroll the field backward a page. REQSCRFHPAGE Scroll the field forward half a page. REQSCRBHPAGE Scroll the field backward half a page. REQSCRFCHAR Scroll the field forward a character. REQSCRBCHAR Scroll the field backward a character. REQSCRHFLINE Horizontal scroll the field forward a line. REQSCRHBLINE Horizontal scroll the field backward a line. REQSCRHFHALF Horizontal scroll the field forward half a line. REQSCRHBHALF Horizontal scroll the field backward half a line. REQVALIDATION Validate field. REQNEXTCHOICE Display next field choice. REQPREVCHOICE Display previous field choice. If the second argument is a printable ASCII character, the driver places it in the current position in the current field. If it is one of the forms requests listed above, that request is executed. If the second argument is neither printable ASCII nor one of the abovepre-defined form requests, the driver assumes it is an application-spe-
cific command and returns EEUUNNKKNNOOWWNNCCOOMMMMAANNDD. Application-defined com-
mands should be defined relative to MMAAXXCCOOMMMMAANNDD, the maximum value ofthese pre-defined requests.
RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE ffoorrmmddrriivveerr return one of the following error codes: EEOOKK The routine succeeded. EESSYYSSTTEEMMEERRRROORR System error occurred (see eerrrrnnoo). EEBBAADDAARRGGUUMMEENNTTRoutine detected an incorrect or out-of-range argument.
EEBBAADDSSTTAATTEE Routine was called from an initialization or termination function. EENNOOTTPPOOSSTTEEDD The form has not been posted. EEUUNNKKNNOOWWNNCCOOMMMMAANNDD The form driver code saw an unknown request code. EEIINNVVAALLIIDDFFIIEELLDD Contents of field is invalid. EERREEQQUUEESSTTDDEENNIIEEDD The form driver could not process the request.SEE ALSO
ccuurrsseess(3X), ffoorrmm(3X). NNOOTTEESS The header file <> automatically includes the header files < >. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These routines emulate the System V forms library. They were not sup-
ported on Version 7 or BSD versions. AUTHORS Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. formdriver(3X)