fileutil - Procedures implementing some file utilities
package require TTccll 88 package require ffiilleeuuttiill ??11..66..11?? ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ccaatt files ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiilleeTTyyppee filename ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiinndd ?basedir ?filtercmd??::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiinnddBByyPPaatttteerrnn basedir ?-rreeggeexxpp|-gglloobb? ?--? patterns
::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffoorreeaacchhLLiinnee var filename cmd ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ggrreepp pattern ?files?::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::iinnssttaallll ?-mm mode? source destination
::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ssttrriippNN path n ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ssttrriippPPwwdd path::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ttoouucchh ?-aa? ?-cc? ?-mm? ?-rr reffile? ?-tt time? filename ?...?
::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::tteemmppddiirr ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::tteemmppffiillee ?prefix?DESCRIPTION
This package provides implementations of standard unix utilities. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ccaatt filesA tcl implementation of the UNIX ccaatt command. Returns the con-
tents of the specified file(s). The arguments are files to read. If there are problems reading any of the files, an error will occur, and no data will be returned. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiilleeTTyyppee filename An implementation of the UNIX ffiillee command, which uses variousheuristics to guess the type of a file. Returns a list specify-
ing as much type information as can be determined about thefile, from most general (eg, "binary" or "text") to most spe-
cific (eg, "gif"). For example, the return value for a GIF filewould be "binary graphic gif". The command will detect the fol-
lowing types of files: directory, empty, binary, text, script (with interpreter), executable elf, graphic gif, graphic jpeg,graphic png, graphic tiff, html, xml (with doctype if avail-
able), message pgp, binary pdf, text ps, text eps, binary grav-
itywavedataframe, compressed bzip, compressed gzip, and link. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiinndd ?basedir ?filtercmd?? An implementation of the unix command ffiinndd. Adapted from the Tcler's Wiki. Takes at most two arguments, the path to thedirectory to start searching from and a command to use to evalu-
ate interest in each file. The path defaults to ".", i.e. the current directory. The command defaults to the empty string, which means that all files are of interest. The command takes care not to loose itself in infinite loops upon encountering circular link structures. The result of the command is a list containing the paths to the interesting files.::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiinnddBByyPPaatttteerrnn basedir ?-rreeggeexxpp|-gglloobb? ?--? patterns
This command is based upon the TTccllXX command rreeccuurrssiivveegglloobb,except that it doesn't allow recursion over more than one direc-
tory at a time. It uses ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffiinndd internally and is thusable to and does follow symbolic links, something the TTccllXX com-
mand does not do. First argument is the directory to start the search in, second argument is a list of patterns. The command returns a list of all files reachable through basedir whose names match at least one of the patterns. The options before thepattern-list determine the style of matching, either regexp or
glob. glob-style matching is the default if no options are
given. Usage of the option -- stops option processing. This
allows the use of a leading '-' in the patterns.
::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ffoorreeaacchhLLiinnee var filename cmd The command reads the file filename and executes the script cmd for every line in the file. During the execution of the script the variable var is set to the contents of the current line. Thereturn value of this command is the result of the last invoca-
tion of the script cmd or the empty string if the file was empty. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ggrreepp pattern ?files? Implementation of ggrreepp. Adapted from the Tcler's Wiki. The first argument defines the pattern to search for. This is followed by a list of files to search through. The list is optional andssttddiinn will be used if it is missing. The result of the proce-
dures is a list containing the matches. Each match is a single element of the list and contains filename, number and contents of the matching line, separated by a colons.::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::iinnssttaallll ?-mm mode? source destination
The iinnssttaallll command is similar in functionality to the iinnssttaallllcommand found on many unix systems, or the shell script distrib-
uted with many source distributions (unix/install-sh in the Tcl
sources, for example). It copies source, which can be either a file or directory to destination, which should be a directory,unless source is also a single file. The ?-m? option lets the
user specify a unix-style mode (either octal or symbolic - see
ffiillee aattttrriibbuutteess. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ssttrriippNN path n Removes the first n elements from the specified path and returns the modified path. If n is greater than the number of components in path an empty string is returned. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ssttrriippPPwwdd path If the path is inside of the directory returned by [ppwwdd] (or the current working directory itself) it is made relative to that directory. In other words, the current working directory is stripped from the path. The possibly modified path is returned as the result of the command. If the current working directory itself was specified for path the result is the string "..".::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::ttoouucchh ?-aa? ?-cc? ?-mm? ?-rr reffile? ?-tt time? filename ?...?
Implementation of ttoouucchh. Alter the atime and mtime of the speci-
fied files. If -cc, do not create files if they do not already
exist. If -rr, use the atime and mtime from reffile. If -tt, use
the integer clock value time. It is illegal to specify both -rr
and -tt. If -aa, only change the atime. If -mm, only change the
mtime. This command is not available for Tcl versions less than 8.3. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::tteemmppddiirr The command returns the path of a directory where the caller canplace temporary files, such as "/tmp" on Unix systems. The algo-
rithm we use to find the correct directory is as follows: [1] The directory named in the TMPDIR environment variable. [2] The directory named in the TEMP environment variable. [3] The directory named in the TMP environment variable. [4] A platform specific location: Windows "C:\TEMP", "C:\TMP", "\TEMP", and "\TMP" are tried in that order. (classic) Macintosh The TRASHFOLDER environment variable is used. This is most likely not correct. Unix The directories "/tmp", "/var/tmp", and "/usr/tmp" are tried in that order. The algorithm utilized is that used in the Python standard library. ::::ffiilleeuuttiill::::tteemmppffiillee ?prefix? The command generates a temporary file name suitable for writing to, and the associated file. The file name will be unique, andthe file will be writable and contained in the appropriate sys-
tem specific temp directory. The name of the file will be returned as the result of the command. The code was taken from, attributed to Igor Volobouev and anon. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS file utilities, grep, temp file, touch, typefileutil 1.6.1 fileutil(n)