Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man fbtab

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man fbtab

FBTAB(5) BSD File Formats Manual FBTAB(5)


ffbbttaabb - change device protection upon login


The ffbbttaabb file contains lines which specify how the permissions and own-

ership of various system files should be changed based on the user's login device name.

Comments start with a # and extend to the end of the line. Blank lines

or lines with only a comment are ignored. All other lines consist of three fields delimited by whitespace. Login Device The device you have logged in on, ie. /dev/ttyv0. File Permission An octal permission number (0600), as used by chmod(2).

Other devices The final field is a ":"-delimited list of devices,

ie. /dev/console:/dev/fd0a. All device names are absolute paths. A path that ends in "/*" refers to all directory entries except "." and "..". The ffbbttaabb file is used by login(1) to chown(2) the specified files to the user who has performed a login. As well, chmod(2) is used to set the devices to the specified permission. When a user logs out, init(8) is responsible for performing the inverse operation, this results in the files once again belonging to root. FILES

/etc/fbtab The ffbbttaabb file resides in /etc.


login(1), init(8) AUTHOR Guido van Rooij BSD August 22, 1994 BSD

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