Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man expr

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man expr

EXPR(1) BSD General Commands Manual EXPR(1)


eexxpprr - evaluate expression


eexxpprr expression


The eexxpprr utility evaluates expression and writes the result on standard

output. All operators are separate arguments to the eexxpprr utility. Characters special to the command interpreter must be escaped. Operators are listed below in order of increasing precedence. Operators with equal precedence are grouped within { } symbols.

expr1 | expr2

Returns the evaluation of expr1 if it is neither an empty string

nor zero; otherwise, returns the evaluation of expr2.

expr1 & expr2

Returns the evaluation of expr1 if neither expression evaluates

to an empty string or zero; otherwise, returns zero.

expr1 {=, >, >=, <, <=, !=} expr2

Returns the results of integer comparison if both arguments are integers; otherwise, returns the results of string comparison

using the locale-specific collation sequence. The result of each

comparison is 1 if the specified relation is true, or 0 if the relation is false.

expr1 {+, -} expr2

Returns the results of addition or subtraction of integer-valued


expr1 {*, /, %} expr2

Returns the results of multiplication, integer division, or

remainder of integer-valued arguments.

expr1 : expr2

The ``:'' operator matches expr1 against expr2, which must be a

regular expression. The regular expression is anchored to the

beginning of the string with an implicit ``^''. eexxpprr expects

"basic" regular expressions, see reformat(7) for more informa-

tion on regular expressions.

If the match succeeds and the pattern contains at least one regu-

lar expression subexpression ``\(...\)'', the string correspond-

ing to ``\1'' is returned; otherwise the matching operator returns the number of characters matched. If the match fails and

the pattern contains a regular expression subexpression the null

string is returned; otherwise 0. Parentheses are used for grouping in the usual manner. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS 1. The following example adds one to the variable a.

a=`expr $a + 1`

2. The following example returns the filename portion of a pathname stored in variable a. The // characters act to eliminate ambiguity with the division operator.

expr //$a : '.*/\(.*\)'

3. The following example returns the number of characters in variable a.

expr $a : '.*'

DIAGNOSTICS The eexxpprr utility exits with one of the following values:

0 the expression is neither an empty string nor 0.

1 the expression is an empty string or 0.

2 the expression is invalid.

STANDARDS The eexxpprr utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2''). BSD July 3, 1993 BSD

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