eeuucc - EUC encoding of wide characters
EENNCCOODDIINNGG "EUC" VVAARRIIAABBLLEE len1 mask1 len2 mask2 len3 mask3 len4 mask4 maskDESCRIPTION
EEUUCC implements a system of 4 multibyte codesets. A multibyte character in the first codeset consists of len1 bytes starting with a byte in the range of 0x00 to 0x7f. To allow use of ASCII, len1 is always 1. A multibyte character in the second codeset consists of len2 bytes startingwith a byte in the range of 0x80-0xff excluding 0x8e and 0x8f. A multi-
byte character in the third codeset consists of len3 bytes starting with the byte 0x8e. A multibyte character in the fourth codeset consists of len4 bytes starting with the byte 0x8f. The wchart encoding of EEUUCC multibyte characters is dependent on the lenand mask arguments. First, the bytes are moved into a wchart as fol-
lows:byte0 << ((lenN-1) * 8) | byte1 << ((lenN-2) * 8) | ... | bytelenN-1
The result is then ANDed with ~mask and ORed with maskN. Codesets 2 and 3 are special in that the leading byte (0x8e or 0x8f) is first removed and the lenN argument is reduced by 1.For example, the jaJP.eucJP locale has the following VARIABLE line:
VARIABLE 1 0x0000 2 0x8080 2 0x0080 3 0x8000 0x8080Codeset 1 consists of the values 0x0000 - 0x007f.
Codeset 2 consists of the values who have the bits 0x8080 set.Codeset 3 consists of the values 0x0080 - 0x00ff.
Codeset 4 consists of the values 0x8000 - 0xff7f excluding the values
which have the 0x0080 bit set. Notice that the global mask is set to 0x8080, this implies that from those 2 bits the codeset can be determined.SEE ALSO
mklocale(1), setlocale(3) BSD November 8, 2003 BSD