Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man erff

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man erff

ERF(3) BSD Library Functions Manual ERF(3)


eerrff, eerrffcc - error function operators


##iinncclluuddee <>

double eerrff(double x); long double eerrffll(long double x); float eerrffff(float x); double eerrffcc(double x); long double eerrffccll(long double x); float eerrffccff(float x);


These functions calculate the error function of x. The eerrff() function calculates the error function of x; where

erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi)*integral from 0 to x of exp(-t*t) dt.

The eerrffcc() function calculates the complementary error function of x; that is eerrffcc() computes the difference of the error function eerrff(x) from

1.0. This is useful, since for large x use of eerrffcc() avoids loss of pre-

cision due to cancellation. SSPPEECCIIAALL VVAALLUUEESS

eerrff(+-0) returns +-0.

eerrff(+-infinity) returns +-1.

eerrffcc(-infinity) returns 2.

eerrffcc(+infinity) returns +0.


math(3) STANDARDS The eerrff() and eerrffcc() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E). 4.3 Berkeley Distribution January 30, 2003 4.3 Berkeley Distribution

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