ddssppeerrffmmoonniittoorr - A Directory Tool for monitoring plugin performance in
Directory ServicesSYNOPSIS
ddssppeerrffmmoonniittoorr -aa | -dd | -dduummpp | -fflluusshh
The dsperfmonitor tool is a command line utility for enabling internal
plugin performance monitoring in the DirectoryService daemon. This tool allows you active and deactivate/dump information on what API calls are made to plugins, how long they took to respond, and what the last 5 errors in any API were. The options are as follows: ooppttiioonnss::-aa Acivate performance monitoring
-dd Deactivate performance monitoring and dump a tab delimited
result to /var/log/system.log-dduummpp Dump a tab delimited result to /var/log/system.log
-fflluusshh Reset statistics
DirectoryService(8) dscl(1) dirt(1) DirectoryServiceAttributes(7) MacOSX Nov 17, 2003 MacOSX