Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man dom

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man dom

dom(n) dom(n)


dom - Create an in-memory DOM tree from XML


package require tdom

ddoomm method ?arg arg ...?


This command provides the creation of complete DOM trees in memory. In

the usual case a string containing a XML information is parsed and con-

verted into a DOM tree. method indicates a specific subcommand. The valid methods are: ddoomm ppaarrssee ??options?? ??data?? Parses the XML information and builds up the DOM tree in memory providing a Tcl object command to this DOM document object. Example:

dom parse $xml doc

$doc documentElement root

parses the XML in the variable xml, creates the DOM tree in mem-

ory, make a reference to the document object, visible in Tcl as a document object command, and assigns this new object name to the variable doc. When doc gets freed, the DOM tree and the associated Tcl command object (document and all node objects) are freed automatically.

set document [dom parse $xml]

set root [$document documentElement]

parses the XML in the variable xml, creates the DOM tree in mem-

ory, make a reference to the document object, visible in Tcl as a document object command, and returns this new object name, which is then stored in document. To free the underlying DOM tree and the associative Tcl object commands (document + nodes + fragment nodes) the document object command has to be explicitly deleted by:

$document delete


rename $document ""

The valid options are:


If -simple is specified, a simple but fast parser is used

(conforms not fully to XML recommendation). That should double parsing and DOM generation speed. The encoding of the data is not transformed inside the parser. The simple parser does not respect any encoding information in the XML declaration. It skips over the internal DTD subset and ignores any information in it. Therefor it doesn't include defaulted attribute values into the tree, even if the according attribute declaration is in the internal subset. It also doesn't expand internal or external entity references other than the predefined entities and character references.

-hhttmmll If -html is specified, a fast HTML parser is used, which

tries to even parse badly formed HTML into a DOM tree.


If -keepEmpties is specified, text nodes, which contain

only whitespaces, will be part of the resulting DOM tree.

In default case (-keepEmpties not given) those empty text

nodes are removed at parsing time.


If -channel is specified, the input to be

parsed is read from the specified channel. The encoding

setting of the channel (via fconfigure -encoding) is

respected, ie the data read from the channel are con-

verted to UTF-8 according to the encoding settings, befor

the data is parsed.


If -baseurl is specified, the baseURI is used

as the base URI of the document. External entities refer-

enced in the document are resolved relative to this base URI. This base URI is also stored within the DOM tree.

-ffeeeeddbbaacckkAAfftteerr <#bytes>

If -feedbackAfter <#bytes> is specified, the tcl command

::dom::domParseFeedback is evaluated after parsing every

#bytes. If you use this option, you have to create a tcl

proc named ::dom::domParseFeedback, otherwise you will

get an error. Please notice, that the calls of

::dom::domParseFeedback are not done exactly every

#bytes, but always at the first element start after every

