doctocapi - Interface specification for toc formatting code
This manpage specifies the interface between formatting engines fordata in the ddooccttoocc format as specified in ddooccttooccffmmtt, and ddoocc-
ttoooollss::::ttoocc, the package for the generic handling of such data, as described in ddooccttoocc.Each formatting engine has to implement the conversion of input in ddoocc-
ttoocc format to one particular output format as chosen by the author of the formatting engine. IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE Each formatting engine has to provide [1] Implementations of all the formatting commands as specified in ddooccttooccffmmtt, using the defined names, but prefixed with thestring ffmmtt. The sole exceptions to this are the formatting com-
mands vvsseett and iinncclluuddee. These two commands are processed by the generic layer and will never be seen by the formatting engine. [2] and additionally implementations for ttooccnnuummppaasssseess This command is called immediately after the formatter is loaded and has to return the number of passes required by this formatter to process a manpage. This information has to be an integer number greater or equal to one. ttoocciinniittiiaalliizzeeThis command is called at the beginning of every conver-
sion run and is responsible for initializing the general state of the formatting engine. ttooccsseettuupp n This command is called at the beginning of each pass over the input and is given the id of the current pass as its first argument. It is responsible for setting up the internal state of the formatting for this particular pass. ttooccppoossttpprroocceessss text This command is called immediately after the last pass, with the expansion result of that pass as argument, andcan do any last-ditch modifications of the generated
result. Its result will be the final result of the con-
version. Most formats will use identity here. ttooccsshhuuttddoowwnn This command is called at the end of every conversion run and is responsible for cleaning up of all the state in the formatting engine. ffmmttppllaaiinntteexxtt text This command is called for any plain text encountered bythe processor in the input and can do any special pro-
cessing required for plain text. Its result is the string written into the expansion. Most formats will use identity here. ttoocclliissttvvaarriiaabblleess The command is called after loading a formatting engine to determine which parameters are supported by that engine. The return value is a list containing the names of these parameters. ttooccvvaarrsseett varname text The command is called by the generic layer to set the value of an engine specific parameter. The parameter to change is specified by varname, and the value to set is given in text. The command will throw an error if an unknown varname is used. Only the names returned by ttoocclliissttvvaarriiaabblleess are considered known. The tcl code of a formatting engine implementing all of the above can make the following assumptions about its environment [1] It has full access to its own safe interpreter. In other words, the engine cannot damage the other parts of the processor, nor can it damage the filesystem. [2] The surrounding system provides the engine with the following commands: Doctools commands ddttffoorrmmaatt Returns the name of format loaded into the engine ddttffmmaapp fname Returns the actual name to use in the output in place of the symbolic filename fname. ddttssoouurrccee file This command allows the engine to load additional tcl code. The file being loaded has to be in the same directory as the file the format engine was loaded from. Any path specified for file is ignored. Expander commands All of the commands below are methods of the expander object (without the prefix eexx) handling the input. Their arguments and results are described in eexxppaannddeerr((nn)). eexxccaappppeenndd eexxccggeett eexxcciiss eexxccnnaammee eexxccppoopp eexxccppuusshh eexxccsseett eexxllbb eexxrrbb toccommon.tcl commands Any engine loading (ddttssoouurrccee) the file "toccommon.tcl"has default implementations of the ttoocc commands explic-
itly listed in this document and of ffmmttppllaaiinntttteexxtt.SEE ALSO
doctoc, doctocfmt KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS HTML, LaTeX, TMML, generic markup, markup, nroff, table of contents, toc COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Kupriesdoctools 1.0 doctocapi(n)