ddlleerrrroorr - get diagnostic information
##iinncclluuddee <
const char* ddlleerrrroorr(void);> DESCRIPTION
ddlleerrrroorr() returns a null-terminated character string describing the last
error that occurred on this thread during a call to ddllooppeenn(), ddllooppeennpprreefflliigghhtt(), ddllssyymm(), or ddllcclloossee(). If no such error has occurred, ddlleerrrroorr() returns a null pointer. At each call to ddlleerrrroorr(), the error indication is reset. Thus in the case of two calls toddlleerrrroorr(), where the second call follows the first immediately, the sec-
ond call will always return a null pointer.SEE ALSO
dlopen(3) dlopenpreflight(3) dlclose(3) dlsym(3) dyld(3) April 17, 2006