diskhits - disk access by file offset. Uses DTrace.
ddiisskkhhiittss ppaatthhnnaammeeDESCRIPTION
This prints how a file was accessed, the locations on a distributionplot. This is for the cache misses only - the file activity that
resulted in disk events. Since this uses DTrace, only the root user or users with the dtracekernel privilege can run this command. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Sample /var/adm/messages disk activity,# ddiisskkhhiittss //vvaarr//aaddmm//mmeessssaaggeess
FFIIEELLDDSS Location (KB) the file offset of the disk activity, Kbytes Size (KB) size of the disk activity, Kbytes Total RW Total disk activity, reads + writes BBAASSEEDD OONN /usr/demo/dtrace/applicat.d DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTAATTIIOONN DTrace Guide "io Provider" chapter ( the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs direc-
tory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver-
bose descriptions explaining the output. EEXXIITTdiskhits will sample until Ctrl-C is hit.
dtrace(1M)version 0.72 Apr 20, 2006 diskhits(1m)