ddiisskkaarrbbiittrraattiioonndd - disk arbitration daemon
ddiisskkaarrbbiittrraattiioonndd [-dd]
ddiisskkaarrbbiittrraattiioonndd listens for connections from clients, notifies clients of the appearance of disks and filesystems, and governs the mounting of filesystems and the claiming of disks amongst clients. ddiisskkaarrbbiittrraattiioonndd is accessed via the Disk Arbitration framework. Options:-dd Report detailed information in /var/log/diskarbitrationd.log.
This option forces ddiisskkaarrbbiittrraattiioonndd to run in the foreground.The file /etc/fstab is consulted for user-defined mount points, indexed
by filesystem, in the mount point determination for a filesystem. Eachfilesystem can be identified by its UUID or by its label, using the con-
structs ``UUID'' or ``LABEL'', respectively. For example:UUID=DF000C7E-AE0C-3B15-B730-DFD2EF15CB91 /export ufs ro
UUID=FAB060E9-79F7-33FF-BE85-E1D3ABD3EDEA none hfs rw,noauto
LABEL=The\040Volume\040Name\040Is\040This none msdos ro FILES /etc/fstab/var/log/diskarbitrationd.log
fstab(5) Darwin July 18, 2004 Darwin