Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man dirt

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man dirt

dirt(1) BSD General Commands Manual dirt(1)


ddiirrtt - A Directory Tool for testing Directory Services


ddiirrtt [-cc] [-gg] [-ss] [-ll | -mm path | -nn]

[-qq queryiterations [-dd seconds]] -uu username [-pp password]


The dirt tool is a command line utility for testing Directory Services.

Common usages are to do simple authentication tests on various nodes (including search node) as well as repetitive stress testing. The options are as follows: ooppttiioonnss::

-ll Search Local node only

-cc Search the Contacts search path (default is to use the Authenti-

cation path)

-mm path Search on node named path

-qq n Perform the specified query operation n times. (specify 0 to

loop forever)

-dd n Sleep n seconds between each query iteration. Default is 0.

-gg Search for groups instead of users.

-aa authmethod

Use specified authentication method. Available methods:

nt -> SMB-NT

-ss Grep the DS headers for final status code.


DirectoryService(8) dscl(1) DirectoryServiceAttributes(7) MacOSX Feb 21, 2003 MacOSX

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