ooppeennddiirr, rreeaaddddiirr, rreeaaddddiirrrr, tteellllddiirr, sseeeekkddiirr, rreewwiinnddddiirr, cclloosseeddiirr, ddiirrffdd- directory operations
LLIIBBRRAARRYYStandard C Library (libc, -lc)
##iinncclluuddee <
> ##iinncclluuddee <
DIR * ooppeennddiirr(const char *filename); struct dirent * rreeaaddddiirr(DIR *dirp); int rreeaaddddiirrrr(DIR *dirp, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **result); long tteellllddiirr(DIR *dirp); void sseeeekkddiirr(DIR *dirp, long loc); void rreewwiinnddddiirr(DIR *dirp); int cclloosseeddiirr(DIR *dirp); int ddiirrffdd(DIR *dirp);> DESCRIPTION
The ooppeennddiirr() function opens the directory named by filename, associates
a directory stream with it and returns a pointer to be used to identify
the directory stream in subsequent operations. The pointer NULL is
returned if filename cannot be accessed, or if it cannot malloc(3) enough memory to hold the whole thing.The rreeaaddddiirr() function returns a pointer to the next directory entry. It
returns NULL upon reaching the end of the directory or detecting an
invalid sseeeekkddiirr() operation. rreeaaddddiirrrr() provides the same functionality as rreeaaddddiirr(), but the callermust provide a directory entry buffer to store the results in. If the
read succeeds, result is pointed at the entry; upon reaching the end ofthe directory result is set to NULL. rreeaaddddiirrrr() returns 0 on success or
an error number to indicate failure. The tteellllddiirr() function returns the current location associated with thenamed directory stream. Values returned by tteellllddiirr() are good only for
the lifetime of the DIR pointer, dirp, from which they are derived. Ifthe directory is closed and then reopened, prior values returned by
tteellllddiirr() will no longer be valid. The sseeeekkddiirr() function sets the position of the next rreeaaddddiirr() operationon the directory stream. The new position reverts to the one associated
with the directory stream when the tteellllddiirr() operation was performed.
The rreewwiinnddddiirr() function resets the position of the named directory
stream to the beginning of the directory.
The cclloosseeddiirr() function closes the named directory stream and frees the
structure associated with the dirp pointer, returning 0 on success. Onfailure, -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate
the error. The ddiirrffdd() function returns the integer file descriptor associated withthe named directory stream, see open(2).
Sample code which searches a directory for entry ``name'' is:
len = strlen(name); dirp = opendir("."); while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL)if (dp->dnamlen == len && !strcmp(dp->dname, name)) {
(void)closedir(dirp); return FOUND; } (void)closedir(dirp); return NOTFOUND;SEE ALSO
close(2), lseek(2), open(2), read(2), dir(5) HISTORY The ooppeennddiirr(), rreeaaddddiirr(), tteellllddiirr(), sseeeekkddiirr(), rreewwiinnddddiirr(), cclloosseeddiirr(), and ddiirrffdd() functions appeared in 4.2BSD. BSD June 4, 1993 BSD