Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man dir

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man dir

DIR(5) BSD File Formats Manual DIR(5)


ddiirr, ddiirreenntt - directory file format


##iinncclluuddee <>

##iinncclluuddee <>


Directories provide a convenient hierarchical method of grouping files

while obscuring the underlying details of the storage medium. A direc-

tory file is differentiated from a plain file by a flag in its inode(5)

entry. It consists of records (directory entries) each of which contains

information about a file and a pointer to the file itself. Directory

entries may contain other directories as well as plain files; such nested

directories are refered to as subdirectories. A hierarchy of directories

and files is formed in this manner and is called a file system (or referred to as a file system tree).

Each directory file contains two special directory entries; one is a

pointer to the directory itself called dot `.' and the other a pointer to

its parent directory called dot-dot `..'. Dot and dot-dot are valid

pathnames, however, the system root directory `/', has no parent and dot-

dot points to itself like dot.

File system nodes are ordinary directory files on which has been grafted

a file system object, such as a physical disk or a partitioned area of such a disk. (See mount(1) and mount(8).)

The directory entry format is defined in the file and fur-

ther in the file :

/*** Excerpt from ***/


* The dirent structure defines the format of directory entries returned by

* the getdirentries(2) system call.


* A directory entry has a struct dirent at the front of it, containing its

* inode number, the length of the entry, and the length of the name * contained in the entry. These are followed by the name padded to a 4 * byte boundary with null bytes. All names are guaranteed null terminated.

* The maximum length of a name in a directory is MAXNAMLEN.

* The dirent structure defines the format of directory entries returned by

* the getdirentries(2) system call.




struct dirent {

uint32t dfileno; /* file number of entry */ uint16t dreclen; /* length of this record */ uint8t dtype; /* file type, see below */ uint8t dnamlen; /* length of string in dname */


char dname[255 + 1]; /* name must be no longer than this */


#define MAXNAMLEN 255

char dname[MAXNAMLEN + 1]; /* name must be no longer than this */


}; /* * File types */

#define DTUNKNOWN 0

#define DTFIFO 1

#define DTCHR 2

#define DTDIR 4

#define DTBLK 6

#define DTREG 8

#define DTLNK 10

#define DTSOCK 12

#define DTWHT 14

#endif /* !SYSDIRENTH */


/*** Excerpt from ***/

#ifndef DIRENTH

#define DIRENTH


typedef void * DIR;


#define dino dfileno /* backward compatibility */

/* definitions for library routines operating on directories. */

#define DIRBLKSIZ 1024

struct telldir; /* see telldir.h */

/* structure describing an open directory. */

typedef struct dirdesc {

int ddfd; /* file descriptor associated with directory */

long ddloc; /* offset in current buffer */

long ddsize; /* amount of data returned by getdirentries */

char *ddbuf; /* data buffer */ int ddlen; /* size of data buffer */

long ddseek; /* magic cookie returned by getdirentries */

long ddrewind; /* magic cookie for rewinding */

int ddflags; /* flags for readdir */

pthreadmutext ddlock; /* for thread locking */

struct telldir *ddtd; /* telldir position recording */

} DIR;

#define dirfd(dirp) ((dirp)->ddfd)

/* flags for opendir2 */

#define DTFHIDEW 0x0001 /* hide whiteout entries */

#define DTFNODUP 0x0002 /* don't return duplicate names */

/* structure describing an open directory. */

typedef struct dirdesc {

int ddfd; /* file descriptor associated with directory */

long ddloc; /* offset in current buffer */

long ddsize; /* amount of data returned by getdirentries */

char *ddbuf; /* data buffer */ int ddlen; /* size of data buffer */

long ddseek; /* magic cookie returned by getdirentries */

long ddrewind; /* magic cookie for rewinding */

int ddflags; /* flags for readdir */

pthreadmutext ddlock; /* for thread locking */

struct telldir *ddtd; /* telldir position recording */

} DIR;

#define dirfd(dirp) ((dirp)->ddfd)

/* flags for opendir2 */

#define DTFHIDEW 0x0001 /* hide whiteout entries */

#define DTFNODUP 0x0002 /* don't return duplicate names */

#define DTFREWIND 0x0004 /* rewind after reading union stack */

#define DTFREADALL 0x0008 /* everything has been read */

#ifndef NULL

#define NULL 0


#endif /* POSIXSOURCE */

#endif /* !DIRENTH */


fs(5), inode(5) HISTORY A ddiirr file format appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution April 19, 1994 4.2 Berkeley Distribution

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