cursors - mouse cursors available in Tk
The -ccuurrssoorr widget option allows a Tk programmer to change the mouse
cursor for a particular widget. The cursor names recognized by Tk on all platforms are: Xcursor arrow basedarrowdown basedarrowup boat bogosity bottomleftcorner bottomrightcorner bottomside bottomtee boxspiral centerptr circle clock coffeemug cross crossreverse crosshair diamondcross dot dotbox doublearrow draftlarge draftsmall drapedbox exchange fleur gobbler gumby hand1 hand2 heart icon ironcross leftptr leftside lefttee leftbutton llangle lrangle man middlebutton mouse pencil pirate plus questionarrow rightptr rightside righttee rightbutton rtllogo sailboat sbdownarrow sbhdoublearrow sbleftarrow sbrightarrow sbuparrow sbvdoublearrow shuttle sizing spider spraycan star target tcross topleftarrow topleftcorner toprightcorner topside toptee trek ulangle umbrella urangle watch xterm PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY IISSSSUUEESS WWiinnddoowwssOn Windows systems, the following cursors are mapped to native
arrow centerptr crosshair fleur ibeam icon sbhdoublearrow sbvdoublearrow watch xtermAnd the following additional cursors are available:
no starting size sizenesw sizens sizenwse sizewe uparrow wait The nnoo cursor can be specified to eliminate the cursor. MMaacciinnttoosshhOn Macintosh systems, the following cursors are mapped to native
arrow cross crosshair ibeam plus watch xtermAnd the following additional cursors are available:
KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS cursor, optionTk 8.3 cursors(n)