Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curs_inch

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curs_inch

cursinch(3X) cursinch(3X)


iinncchh, wwiinncchh, mmvviinncchh, mmvvwwiinncchh - get a character and attributes from a

ccuurrsseess window


##iinncclluuddee <>

cchhttyyppee iinncchh((vvooiidd));; cchhttyyppee wwiinncchh((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn));; cchhttyyppee mmvviinncchh((iinntt yy,, iinntt xx));; cchhttyyppee mmvvwwiinncchh((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, iinntt yy,, iinntt xx));;


These routines return the character, of type cchhttyyppee, at the current

position in the named window. If any attributes are set for that posi-

tion, their values are OR'ed into the value returned. Constants defined in <> can be used with the && (logical AND) operator to extract the character or attributes alone. AAttttrriibbuutteess

The following bit-masks may be AND-ed with characters returned by


AACCHHAARRTTEEXXTT Bit-mask to extract character

AAAATTTTRRIIBBUUTTEESS Bit-mask to extract attributes

AACCOOLLOORR Bit-mask to extract color-pair field information

NNOOTTEESS Note that all of these routines may be macros. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These functions are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.


ccuurrsseess(3X). cursinch(3X)

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