curlunescape - URL decodes the given string
##iinncclluuddee <
cchhaarr **ccuurrlluunneessccaappee(( cchhaarr **url,, iinntt length ));;> DESCRIPTION
This function will convert the given URL encoded input string to a "plain string" and return that as a new allocated string. All inputcharacters that are URL encoded (%XX where XX is a two-digit hexadeci-
mal number) will be converted to their plain text versions. If the 'length' argument is set to 0, curlunescape() will use strlen() on the input 'url' string to find out the size. You must curlfree() the returned string when you're done with it. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE A pointer to a zero terminated string or NULL if it failed.SEE ALSO
curlescape(3), curlfree(3), RFC 2396 libcurl 7.7 22 March 2001 curlunescape(3)