Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curl_multi_timeout

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curl_multi_timeout

curlmultitimeout(3) libcurl Manual curlmultitimeout(3)


curlmultitimeout - how long to wait for action before proceeding



CURLMcode curlmultitimeout(CURLM *multihandle, long *timeout);


An application using the libcurl multi interface should call ccuurrllmmuullttiittiimmeeoouutt((33)) to figure out how long it should wait for socket

actions - at most - before proceeding.

Proceeding means either doing the socket-style timeout action: call the

ccuurrllmmuullttiissoocckkeett((33)) function with the ssoocckkffdd argument set to CURLSOCKETTIMEOUT and the eeaassyy argument set to CURLEASYTIMEOUT, or simply calling ccuurrllmmuullttiippeerrffoorrmm((33)) if you're using the simpler and older multi interface approach. The timeout value returned in the long ttiimmeeoouutt points to, is in number of milliseconds at this very moment. If 0, it means you should proceed

immediately without waiting for anything. If it returns -1, there's no

timeout at all set. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE The standard CURLMcode for multi interface error codes. TTYYPPIICCAALL UUSSAAGGEE Call ccuurrllmmuullttiittiimmeeoouutt((33)), then wait for action on the sockets. You figure out which sockets to wait for by calling ccuurrllmmuullttiiffddsseett((33)) or by a previous call to ccuurrllmmuullttiissoocckkeett((33)). AVAILABILITY This function was added in libcurl 7.15.4, although not deemed stable yet.


ccuurrllmmuullttiicclleeaannuupp(3), ccuurrllmmuullttiiiinniitt(3), ccuurrllmmuullttiiffddsseett(3), ccuurrllmmuullttiiiinnffoorreeaadd(3), ccuurrllmmuullttiissoocckkeett(3) libcurl 7.16.0 2 Jan 2006 curlmultitimeout(3)

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