Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curl_global_init

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curl_global_init

curlglobalinit(3) libcurl Manual curlglobalinit(3)


curlglobalinit - Global libcurl initialisation


##iinncclluuddee <>

CCUURRLLccooddee ccuurrllgglloobbaalliinniitt((lloonngg flags));;


This function should only be called once (no matter how many threads or libcurl sessions that'll be used) by every application that uses libcurl. If this function hasn't been invoked when curleasyinit(3) is called, it will be done automatically by libcurl.

The flags option is a bit pattern that tells libcurl exact what fea-

tures to init, as described below. Set the desired bits by ORing the values together. You must however aallwwaayyss use the curlglobalcleanup(3) function, as that cannot be called automatically for you by libcurl. Calling this function more than once will cause unpredictable results. FFLLAAGGSS CCUURRLLGGLLOOBBAALLAALLLL Initialize everything possible. This sets all known bits. CCUURRLLGGLLOOBBAALLSSSSLL Initialize SSL CCUURRLLGGLLOOBBAALLWWIINN3322 Initialize the Win32 socket libraries. CCUURRLLGGLLOOBBAALLNNOOTTHHIINNGG Initialise nothing extra. This sets no bit. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE

If this function returns non-zero, something went wrong and you cannot

use the other curl functions.


ccuurrllgglloobbaalliinniittmmeemm(3), ccuurrllgglloobbaallcclleeaannuupp(3), libcurl 7.12 11 May 2004 curlglobalinit(3)

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