curleasyinit - Start a libcurl easy session
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CCUURRLL **ccuurrlleeaassyyiinniitt(( ));;> DESCRIPTION
This function must be the first function to call, and it returns a CURLeasy handle that you must use as input to other easy-functions.
curleasyinit initializes curl and this call MMUUSSTT have a corresponding call to curleasycleanup(3) when the operation is complete. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE If this function returns NULL, something went wrong and you cannot use the other curl functions.SEE ALSO
ccuurrlleeaassyycclleeaannuupp(3), ccuurrllgglloobbaalliinniitt(3), ccuurrlleeaassyyrreesseett(3) libcurl 7.8.1 4 March 2002 curleasyinit(3)