Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curl_easy_duphandle

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man curl_easy_duphandle

curleasyduphandle(3) libcurl Manual curleasyduphandle(3)


curleasyduphandle - Clone a libcurl session handle


##iinncclluuddee <>

CCUURRLL **ccuurrlleeaassyydduupphhaannddllee((CCUURRLL **handle));;


This function will return a new curl handle, a duplicate, using all the

options previously set in the input curl handle. Both handles can sub-

sequently be used independently and they must both be freed with curleasycleanup(3). All strings that the input handle has been told to point to (as opposed to copy) with previous calls to curleasysetopt(3) using char *

inputs, will be pointed to by the new handle as well. You must there-

fore make sure to keep the data around until both handles have been cleaned up. The new handle will nnoott inherit any state information, no connections, no SSL sessions and no cookies.

NNoottee that even in multi-threaded programs, this function must be called

in a synchronous way, the input handle may not be in use when cloned. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE If this function returns NULL, something went wrong and no valid handle was returned.


ccuurrlleeaassyyiinniitt(3),ccuurrlleeaassyycclleeaannuupp(3),ccuurrllgglloobbaalliinniitt(3) libcurl 7.9 18 September 2001 curleasyduphandle(3)

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