Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man cupsfilter

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man cupsfilter

cupsfilter(8) Apple Inc. cupsfilter(8)


cupsfilter - convert a file to another format using cups filters


ccuuppssffiilltteerr [ -c config-file ] [ -m mime/type ] [ -n copies ] [ -o

name=value ] [ -p filename.ppd ] [ -t title ] filename


cupsfilter is a front-end to the CUPS filter subsystem which allows you

to convert a file to a specific format, just as if you had printed the

file through CUPS. By default, cupsfilter generates a PDF file.


-c config-file

Uses the named cupsd.conf configuration file.

-m mime/type

Specifies the destination file type. The default file type is application/pdf.

-n copies

Specifies the number of copies to generate.

-o name=value

Specifies options to pass to the CUPS filters.

-p filename.ppd

Specifies the PPD file to use.

-t title

Specifies the document title. KKNNOOWWNN IISSSSUUEESS

cupsfilter currently does not use the filters defined in the PPD file.

This will be addressed in a future CUPS release.


cupsd.conf(5) http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.

19 October 2007 Common UNIX Printing System cupsfilter(8)

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