Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man cupsd

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man cupsd

cupsd(8) Easy Software Products cupsd(8)


cupsd - common unix printing system daemon


ccuuppssdd [ -c config-file ] [ -f ] [ -F ]


cupsd is the scheduler for the Common UNIX Printing System. It imple-

ments a printing system based upon the Internet Printing Protocol, ver-

sion 1.1. If no options are specified on the command-line then the

default configuration file (usually /etc/cups/cupsd.conf) will be used.

The -f option forces cupsd to run in the foreground; the default is to

run in the background as a "daemon".

The -F option forces cupsd to run in the foreground but detaches the

process from the controlling terminal and current directory. This is

useful for running cupsd from init.


cupsd implements all of the required IPP/1.1 attributes and operations.

It also implements several CUPS-specific administration operations.


backend(1), classes.conf(5), cupsd.conf(5), filter(1), mime.convs(5),

mime.types(5), printers.conf(5), CUPS Implementation of IPP, CUPS Interface Design Description, CUPS Software Administrators Manual, http://localhost:631/documentation.html COPYRIGHT

Copyright 1993-2005 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.

18 July 2002 Common UNIX Printing System cupsd(8)

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