Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man crypto

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man crypto

crypto(3) OpenSSL crypto(3)


crypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library



The OpenSSL ccrryyppttoo library implements a wide range of cryptographic

algorithms used in various Internet standards. The services provided by this library are used by the OpenSSL implementations of SSL, TLS and S/MIME, and they have also been used to implement SSH, OpenPGP, and

other cryptographic standards.


lliibbccrryyppttoo consists of a number of sub-libraries that implement the

individual algorithms. The functionality includes symmetric encryption, public key

cryptography and key agreement, certificate handling, cryptographic

hash functions and a cryptographic pseudo-random number generator.

SYMMETRIC CIPHERS blowfish(3), cast(3), des(3), idea(3), rc2(3), rc4(3), rc5(3) PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY AND KEY AGREEMENT dsa(3), dh(3), rsa(3) CERTIFICATES x509(3), x509v3(3) AUTHENTICATION CODES, HASH FUNCTIONS hmac(3), md2(3), md4(3), md5(3), mdc2(3), ripemd(3), sha(3) AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS err(3), threads(3), rand(3), OPENSSLVERSIONNUMBER(3)


asn1(3), bio(3), evp(3), pem(3), pkcs7(3), pkcs12(3) INTERNAL FUNCTIONS bn(3), buffer(3), lhash(3), objects(3), stack(3), txtdb(3) NNOOTTEESS Some of the newer functions follow a naming convention using the numbers 00 and 11. For example the functions: int X509CRLadd0revoked(X509CRL *crl, X509REVOKED *rev); int X509add1trustobject(X509 *x, ASN1OBJECT *obj); The 00 version uses the supplied structure pointer directly in the parent and it will be freed up when the parent is freed. In the above example ccrrll would be freed but rreevv would not. The 11 function uses a copy of the supplied structure pointer (or in some cases increases its link count) in the parent and so both (xx and oobbjj above) should be freed up.


openssl(1), ssl(3)

0.9.7l 2002-10-09 crypto(3)

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