Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man crl

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man crl

CRL(1) OpenSSL CRL(1)


crl - CRL utility


ooppeennssssll ccrrll [-iinnffoorrmm PPEEMM||DDEERR] [-oouuttffoorrmm PPEEMM||DDEERR] [-tteexxtt] [-iinn ffiilleennaammee]

[-oouutt ffiilleennaammee] [-nnoooouutt] [-hhaasshh] [-iissssuueerr] [-llaassttuuppddaattee] [-nneexxttuuppddaattee]

[-CCAAffiillee ffiillee] [-CCAAppaatthh ddiirr]


The ccrrll command processes CRL files in DER or PEM format. CCOOMMMMAANNDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-iinnffoorrmm DDEERR||PPEEMM

This specifies the input format. DDEERR format is DER encoded CRL structure. PPEEMM (the default) is a base64 encoded version of the DER form with header and footer lines.

-oouuttffoorrmm DDEERR||PPEEMM

This specifies the output format, the options have the same meaning

as the -iinnffoorrmm option.

-iinn ffiilleennaammee

This specifies the input filename to read from or standard input if this option is not specified.

-oouutt ffiilleennaammee

specifies the output filename to write to or standard output by default.


print out the CRL in text form.


don't output the encoded version of the CRL.


output a hash of the issuer name. This can be use to lookup CRLs in a directory by issuer name.


output the issuer name.


output the lastUpdate field.


output the nextUpdate field.

-CCAAffiillee ffiillee

verify the signature on a CRL by looking up the issuing certificate in ffiillee

-CCAAppaatthh ddiirr

verify the signature on a CRL by looking up the issuing certificate in ddiirr. This directory must be a standard certificate directory:

that is a hash of each subject name (using xx550099 -hhaasshh) should be

linked to each certificate. NNOOTTEESS The PEM CRL format uses the header and footer lines:

---BEGIN X509 CRL---

---END X509 CRL---

EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Convert a CRL file from PEM to DER:

openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform DER -out crl.der

Output the text form of a DER encoded certificate:

openssl crl -in crl.der -text -noout


Ideally it should be possible to create a CRL using appropriate options and files too.


crl2pkcs7(1), ca(1), x509(1)

0.9.7l 2000-02-08 CRL(1)

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