ccrreeaall - complex real-part function
cciimmaagg - complex imaginary-part function
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double ccrreeaall(double complex z); long double ccrreeaallll(long double complex z); float ccrreeaallff(float complex z); double cciimmaagg(double complex z); long double cciimmaaggll(long double complex z); float cciimmaaggff(float complex z);> DESCRIPTION
ccrreeaall(z) extracts the real part of the complex floating-point number z.
cciimmaagg(z) extracts the imaginary part of the complex floating-point number
z. If z = x+iy, then ccrreeaall(z) = x and cciimmaagg(z) = y. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESSThe function foo defined in the example below returns its complex argu-
ment with the imaginary part scaled by a factor of 2.#include
double complex foo(double complex z) {return creal(z) + 2.0*cimag(z)*I;
complex(3) STANDARDS The ccrreeaall() and cciimmaagg() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E). 4th Berkeley Distribution October 10, 2006 4th Berkeley Distribution